2015 UPDATE: I've developed this answer into a much more comprehensive and balanced analysis on when to use and when not to use Meteor - see Why Meteor - Dan Dascalescu's Wiki. HTML5 exceeds Flash and Silver light and takes the lead just … Which file extensions are used with HTML? HTML tags are also used in two additional ways that are not visible to the viewer: as meta tags and comments. Berat However, when a library provides a significant unique capability, like GNU Readline, that's a horse of a different color. This guide will show you how to easily create simple sentences and paragraphs in HTML. You don't have to be. HTML is used to create electronic documents (called pages) that are displayed on the World Wide Web. that’s is the reason we use .html not the old .htm extension. First, using the HTMT as a criterion involves comparing it to a predefined threshold. All you need to do is layout the page. In our great eagerness to teach our children we studiously look for "educational" toys, games with built-in lessons, books with a "message." Expressive. After all, there are plenty of other C libraries; using the GPL for ours would have driven proprietary software developers to use another—no problem for them, only for us. However, most find it easier to design and create web pages in HTML using an HTML editor. allow screen readers to easily access content. Why Use Instagram: Creating a content strategy . The lang (or sometimes the xml:lang) attribute specifies the natural language of the content of a web page.An attribute on the html tag sets the language for all the text on the page. Modular building blocks help developers categorize code parts and simplify its tests, maintenance, and update. lit-html gives you the full power of JavaScript and functional programming patterns. A Unicode-based encoding such as UTF-8 can support many languages and can accommodate pages and forms in any mixture of those languages. The site’s title appears in the browser’s tab and is what appears when a user tries to bookmark a site. Media can be used in almost any discipline to enhance learning, both in class, and also for out-of-class assignments. T here are excellent editors on the market that will take care of the HTML parts. Why didn't you bring your umbrella? Why Use Generics? Vocabulary for ESL learners and teachers. HTML 4.01 had 3 possible doctypes − HTML 4 Strict, HTML 4 Transitional, and HTML 4 Frameset. New elements include: