(7), Brain function and cognition are improved through the regular consumption of chestnuts. Now the nuts are ready to cook, and there are four main methods, the easiest being boiling. Hair shampoo is made from the leaves and the husks of the fruits. (2), (3), (4), Most of us are unaware of the significant role that dietary fiber plays in the regulation, prevention and management of diabetes. LAYEROKA CHESTNUT (Castanea mollissima x sativa) An early ripening variety. Please do not use SMS English, Short Text and Words like hi, hello. Answer: The horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) and the Ohio buckeye (A. glabra) are shade trees that produce lustrous, mahogany-colored nuts (or buckeyes, as they're called when they fall from the latter tree). The thyroid regulates the rate at which our body uses energy, makes proteins and controls our body’s sensitivity to other hormones. Calories from Fat 28.35 Kcal. Daily values (DVs) may be different depending upon your daily calorie needs. Calcium oxalate is mainly responsible for the gall bladder and kidney stones. Thus Calcium, Phosphorus, and Magnesium- all three present in chestnuts are essential for better dental care and bone health. Names of Sweet Chestnut in various languages of the world are also given. Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients in Sweet Chestnut. Terms & conditions Young leaves may have hairs on the lower surface. Age-related Changes of Some Chemical Components in the Leaves of Sweet Chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill. Sometimes the colored area falls from the leaf, leaving a hole. In Kent there are large woodlands full of Sweet Chestnut, planted for … Beside the leaves, the bark is also a good source of tannins. Calories 369 Kcal. Sweet nut plant bears a fruit of 1.3–2.5 cm in diameter, with each spiny cupule or burr that consists of 1–4 nuts. First of all, these nuts are rich in the B family vitamins like folate, riboflavin, thiamine which are directly associated to proper neurological development and function. May be coppiced … In wintertime it is not at all easy to distinguish a young Sweet Chestnut from many of the other saplings and young trees in mixed woodland (even though the fallen leaves are slow to decay and are quite distinctive... but which tree did they fall from? Chestnut tree leaves show their true colors in the spring. The Same concoction that cures diarrhea may also bring a lot of relief from persistent dysentery. Yes, you would surely get the Herb in whatever form you require, but a research needs to be done at your end. Dear Rosemary We are sorry , but we won't be able to help you with buying of the Herb. Raw seeds were found useful in the treatment of heart disorders during middle ages. 2-3 shiny, roughly triangular nuts with a distinctive tuft on the end, Heart Health, Dental Care & Bone health, Diabetes Prevention and Management, For Diarrhea, Immune System Health, Maintain Blood Vessel Elasticity, Cognition, Strong Antioxidant, Chronic Illness, For Loose motions, Blood Pressure, Thyroid function, Aids Digestion, Alleviates Stones, Astringent Properties, Castanea sativa Mill. This will eventually lower your risk of stroke, heart attack and coronary heart disease to a large degree.(1). It has a proven record of improving your body’s defense system called immunity, thus bringing an overall improvement in your health and well-being. Accidental ingestion of horse chestnut requires prompt medical attention. Leaf infusions are used in respiratory diseases and are a common therapy for whooping cough, fevers and ague. Tannin is obtained from the bark and used in tanning. Sweet Chestnut trees usually grow to around 8 meters after 10 years, to 12 meters after 20 years and the total height grows to around 35 meters after many years, they can live for up to 700 years. The Sweet Chestnut (Castanea vesca or Fagus castanea) has been with some reason described as the most … Apart from that magnesium present in sweet chestnut forms the hard enamel around your teeth and protects the bones from degeneration and decay. It has a spreading crown and trunk diameter reaching 2 m and deeply fissured bark. The Tree is a deciduous tree, it will be up to 30 m (99 ft) high. When detached sweet chestnut leaves were dipped for 10 s in zoospore suspensions (4x10 5 spores per mL) and incubated at 20°C, lesions similar to those seen in the field developed within 6 days. This helps to prevent the spikes and drops in blood sugars that are dangerous for diabetic patients, and are often precursors to the development of diabetes in those currently unaffected.(5). Sweet Chestnuts are a low-oxalate food source. I would also add magnolia and holly to this list. Sweet Chestnut tree is an extremely long-lived, fast growing and a stately tree which is native to Britain. Overview Information Horse chestnut is a tree. Is it possible to purchase them or even the bark? But nowadays due to its higher nutritional values as well as its unique taste it is grown throughout the world. *Above mentioned Percent Daily Values (%DVs) are based on 2,000 calorie diet intake. Oven-baking is a suitable way of doing large batches of nuts. You will come across a number of websites dealing with the selling of this Herb. This reduction in blood pressure can boost overall cardiovascular health and decrease the risk of heart attacks and strokes.(14). An uncontrolled growth of free radicals harms your cells, DNA and is liable for causing cancer. It is used for De-worming in India. Ohio buckeye trees have similar leaves, but the buckeye leaves are usually grouped together in a fan of five leaves and turn orange in the fall. Calories 196 Kcal. Apart from their sweet taste, sweet chestnut is a good source of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. If you think they need a bit longer, work your way up 20 seconds at a time. All rights reserved. Children have been poisoned by drinking a tea made from the leaves and twigs or eating seeds. Most of us think fats as a bad thing to be burned off during a diet, but in fact, our body needs a number of other fats to function normally. Plant is normally found growing in mild cool climate Mediterranean or sub-temperate climate with good annual rainfall and adequate moisture and thrives in deep well-drained, fertile, sandy or loamy soils. Chestnuts are mainly rich in linoleic acid and have Palmitic acid and Oleic acid that are safe for your body. Moreover many Amino acids 0.018 g of Tryptophan, 0.058 g of Threonine, 0.064 g of Isoleucine, 0.096 g of Leucine, 0.096 g of Lysine and 0.038 g of Methionine are also found in 100 gram of Sweet chestnuts. It is native to Southern Europe but has now become common on light non-chalky soils throughout Britain. Usually, the fiber in food will not play its role properly if there is inadequate water in the body. Remove the shell and pellicle (the bitter inner skin), and you’re good to go. Castanea sativa, the sweet chestnut, Spanish chestnut or just chestnut, is a species of tree in the family Fagaceae, native to Southern Europe and Asia Minor, and widely cultivated throughout the temperate world. Trees flower relatively late during June/July. ]. Oregon Heritage Tree: #6 Nyberg Chestnut (Castanea sativa) John Nyberg, an immigrant from Sweden, was a farmer at the turn of the 20th Century. First you need to pick over the nuts, discarding any with weevil holes. Leaves are used in homeopathy for therapy of depression and fatigue. Calories from Fat 11.25 Kcal. Such structures have a defensive purpose against herbivores which may well be why so few aphid species have adopted sweet chestnut as their food plant. As we all know that teeth are the strongest bones in the body. Sweet chestnut is characterised by having both hairs and stalked glands on the leaves (Viéitez, 1992). https://herbpathy.com/Uses-and-Benefits-of-Sweet-Chestnut-Cid3566, [Note: You are requested to write correct English only. Layeroka Chestnut is a very winter hardy, blight resistant tree. Privacy Policy Press leaves between pieces of cardboard to flatten and prevent curling or crushing as they dry. Dried or cooked nuts are used in confectionery, pastries, chocolates, puddings, desserts and cakes. (17), (18). Its seed, bark, flower, and leaves are used to make medicine. Bad Leaves - those higher in lignin and lower in nitrogen and calcium - includes beech, birch, hornbeam, oak, and sweet chestnut. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Break down in about a year. Sweet Chestnut is a medium to large deciduous tree growing to 20–35 m (66–115 ft.) tall making a handsome specimen in any park or garden. Vitamin C not only encourages the production of white blood cells, but also acts as an antioxidant, seeking out free radicals within the body and neutralizing them before they can cause healthy cells to mutate, or encourage oxidative stress near vital organs. This advice is for educational purpose only. It is highly tolerant of acidic soils, gravelly or stony soils but intolerant of calcareous soils, heavy clays and impermeable soils. Spanish chestnut is a wonderful huge shade tree for parks, estates and avenues and occasionally planted for erosion control in Mediterranean countries. Pollen sterile. Later in the year, a prickly, leathery casing forms containing the nuts. Blackish-brown dye is obtained from the leaves and the bark and also oil which is medicinal. Fiber helps to absorbs water and makes stools soft along with adding bulk to it. Fresh chestnuts contain vitamin C and are much lower in fat than other nuts and contain twice as much starch as a potato, earning the chestnut tree the nickname “bread tree” in some regions of the world. (European chestnut), Palmitoleic acid 16:1 (hexadecenoic acid), Linoleic acid 18:2 (octadecadienoic acid), Linolenic acid 18:3 (Octadecatrienoic acid). The edge of the leaf is serrated bit like teeth on a saw, acuminate tip, oblique base, coriaceous, glabrous, pale green and puberulous on the under surfaces. In 1903, he planted an orchard of more than 150 trees which included several Castanea sativa [Sweet or European Chestnut] trees. Chestnuts have also been used to make flour and for animal feed. Sweet chestnut and specifically the chestnut tree bark are found to be a very effective remedy for Diarrhea. These good fats, found in high concentrations in chestnuts, help to balance our cholesterol, decrease inflammation all through the body, and lower the risk of atherosclerosis and blood clots building up in the body. Slit the shells as described above, then put the nuts in a pan on the stovetop, under a grill, on a BBQ or (if you really want to be traditional) on a shovel in the embers of a fire. Split the shells as described above, put the chestnuts in a single layer on a microwave-safe plate, and blast them on full power for two minutes (in a 850W oven). A local variety of Corsican beer also uses sweet chestnuts. Ellagic acid suppresses the hormone secretion thus bringing a control over the overactive thyroid gland.(15). The leaves, which are 14–20 cm (5.5–8 in) long and 7–10 cm (3–4 in) broad, also tend to average slightly shorter and broader than those of the sweet chestnut. (13), When it comes to lowering blood pressure, few minerals are as essential as potassium. People who are allergic to nuts must make sure that Chestnut is suitable for them. List of various diseases cured by Sweet Chestnut. They are anti-inflammatory, expectorant, tonic and astringent. The tree likes Sun to half-shade at the location and the soil should be sandy to sandy – loamy. Native to the Mediterranean in south-eastern Europe to Caucasus in Asia Minor. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); POLICY Calories from Fat 35.19 Kcal. Then make a shallow X in the flat side of each nut with a sharp knife, aiming to go through the shell but not to cut into the meat beneath. Apart from that they have a low level of cholesterol and help in bringing down the levels of “Bad Cholesterol” or LDL in the blood vessels. Seed meals are used as a source of starch, for fattening stock and also for whitening linen cloth. Spanish Chestnut. According to European chestnut information, humans have been growing sweet chestnut trees for their starchy nuts for centuries. We do not deal with buying or selling of Herbs. A word of caution for chestnut hunters who live in areas where both the Horse Chestnut and Sweet Chestnut trees grow. This can help the immune system focus its efforts on pathogens and preventing illness. To keep chestnuts for two or three weeks, leave them in their shells and store them in a paper bag in the refrigerator. It produces two important hormones called Triiodothyronine and Thyroxine. ---Parts Used--- Leaves and fruit. Sweet Chestnut consists of good amount of Vitamin C, Ellagic acid and Gallic acid which make sweet chestnut a strong and very effective anti-oxidant. Chestnut Leaves Show Their True Colors. European chestnut trees have dark green leaves that are slightly furry. Excessive consumption on a persistent basis can lead to spikes of Vitamin B6 which result in health problems in the long term. (9), (10), (11), Almost all kinds of chronic illnesses are caused by the release of free radicals, the natural byproducts of cellular respiration. Full Article. How To Find The Right Machine For Your At Home Coffee Bar, Health benefits of Shiny Bush ~ Peperomia pellucida. Astringent activity is beneficial in the treatment of bleeding and diarrhea. You will have to do some research on the internet. The Sweet Chestnut has been planted in large quantities in the South East for charcoal manufacture. Sweet chestnut is considered to have originated from Mediterranean in south-eastern Europe to Caucasus in Asia Minor. Mentioned values are recommended by a U.S. Department of Agriculture. Wood is good for carpentry, turnery, furniture, barrels, roof beams, props, and basketry and fence posts. How do edible or sweet chestnuts and horse chestnuts (buckeye) differ? Click Here. Calories 350 Kcal. In separate tests, necrosis also developed on inoculated young leaves on intact seedlings, but was slower on older leaves. The normal lifespan of sweet chestnut plant is about 700 years. Calcium and phosphorus are two important minerals that are totally crucial for bone health as they make up the main composition of bones; however, a healthy dose of Magnesium is necessary for the other two to carry out their function effectively. Since it is a folk remedy it is better not to administer it to children and infant as even a little mistake in amounts may give them a heavy dosage of tannin. A substantial, long-lived deciduous tree, it produces an edible seed, the chestnut, which has been used in cooking since ancient times. Chestnuts are a lot of work to prepare, but here are a couple of methods that will give you better and faster results. Don’t worry about the shell turning black in places, as you’ll be taking it off anyway. Leaves are normally elliptic to ovate-lanceolate, 14–28 cm long and  5–9 cm wide with 11–14 pairs of nerves more prominent on the under surface. This is why a low oxalate diet is suggested to control the chances of developing stones. A horse chestnut leaf consists of five small individual leaves, a chestnut leaf is elongated and has a serrated edge. Loose motions or dysentery can be controlled by tannin present in sweet chestnuts. Potassium controls water movement within the body, and also functions as a vasodilator, increasing blood flow and releasing the tension on constricted blood vessels and arteries. Potassium in chestnuts regulates and controls the release and distribution of calcium in the body. Chestnut - sweet chestnut - leaves in autumn colours - colourful foliage Castanea sativa. The normal lifespan of sweet chestnut plant is about 700 years. Female flowers are green rosettes. There are many vendors, selling this Herb in the form of tea, tincture, bark or capsule. A decoction is used as gargle for treating sore throats. Chestnut branch with green leaves on a colored background. They’re at their sweetest after about three days at room temperature, but after this the nuts start to go mealy and the skins get hard. The best way to distinguish chestnuts and horse chestnuts is to look at their leaves. 6 Natural Foods that Support Heart Health, Facts about Nannyberry ~ Viburnum lentago, Health benefits of Tayberry ~ Rubus fruticosus x idaeus, Top 11 benefits of Rhubarb (Garden rhubarb), Health benefits of Salal – Gaultheria shallon, Uses and benefits of Snowberry – Symphoricarpos albus, Facts about Sea Holly – Eryngium maritimum, Traditional uses of Scurvy Grass – Cochlearia officinalis, Traditional uses of Sugarberry – Celtis laevigata. )Nezahat Turfan, a Sezgin Ayan, b Esra Nurten Yer Celik, b Halil Baris Ozel, c and Saadettin Murat Onat d, * The aim of this study was to investigate the developmental physiology of sweet chestnut trees (Castanea sativa Mill.) Water chestnut consists of high concentration of vitamin C as well as other antioxidant compounds which make them an ideal boost to your immune system. Do you know this herb by any other name ? The leaves turn brown, but remain attached to the tree. American Chestnut Tree (Castanea dentate) American chestnut trees are large deciduous trees that … © 2020 Healthbenefitstimes. Above: Although the sweet chestnut is confused with the horse chestnut, it is related to oak and beech. Whichever method you choose, wrap the cooked chestnuts in a damp tea towel to keep them warm while you peel the others. Avoid use during Pregnancy and Breast Feeding.. Where may I buy sweet chestnut leaves to make a tea or tincture with. Prevention and control measures: The ellagic acid in sweet chestnuts help support the Thyroid function where one experiences hyperthyroidism or an overactive thyroid function. The sweet chestnut species planted in Europe and America are very sensitive to these pathogens. Compared to other nuts chestnuts are low in protein and especially low in fat. It’s a good idea to tremble the tray to turn the nuts every ten minutes or so. They are normally brown to reddish-brown colored. Slit the shells as described above and bake the chestnuts on a tray at 200C till the shells split open at the cut, which should take around half an hour. Sweet chestnuts are eaten raw or dried but are mainly eaten roasted, fried or cooked (boiled or steamed). The Sweet Chestnut (Castanea sativa) was probably introduced to Britain by the Romans. To keep them for even longer, freeze them in their shells. Leaf spot presents as small spots on chestnut leaves. The underside is a lighter shade of green. Branchlets are tomentose. Heavy yield of medium to large, sweet nuts. Roasting chestnuts is the traditional way to cook them, and gives the best flavor. Horse chestnut trees are found in cities, parks, alleys and schoolyards... while sweet chestnut trees grow in woods, forests or orchards; Each horse chestnut leaf consists of several oval "leaflets", which give the whole leaf a palm-shaped appearance, whereas sweet chestnut leaves are … They are not healthbenefitstimes.com recommendations. A standard 3 spoons of crushed bark or equivalent chestnuts with shells in a liter of water boiled for about 20 minutes and consumed in the form of 2-3 cups in a day is considered safe.(6). And controls our body uses energy, makes proteins and controls our body uses energy makes... Example, during the time of the natural phenomenon of molecules reacting with active oxygen to eat and avoid a... 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