Some people are concerned that industrially-produced erythritol may be “different” from the natural sugar alcohol, and hence possibly dangerous. Erythritol is a naturally-occurring molecule, we can find it in fruits such as pears, water melons and grapes; it is also present in some drinks like sake and wine, and sauce such as soy sauce. 2019;1-18. doi:10.1080/10408398.2019.1625859, Falony G, Honkala S, Runnel R et al. Caries Res. While erythritol is usually made from corn, it is naturally occurring in pears, watermelon, soy sauce and a range of other foods we eat every day. Erythritol is produced in an industrial process starting with enzymatic … Various studies have shown that Erythritol does not possess carcinogenic or non-carcinogenic. It is primarily used as a low-calorie sweetener because it is not utilized by the body and is approximately 60 to 80 percent as sweet as sucrose (common table sugar). Erythritol – 0.2 calories per gram and 60% to 80% as sweet as sugar. Erythritol’s formula is shown in the picture above. Moreover, some studies showed that erythritol could also be beneficial to our oral health, as it can inhibit plaque formation. Accessed on January 28, 2014. HOW TO MAKE POWDERED ERYTHRITOL. Photo by Clara Piccirillo. Erythritol is widely used in the food industry as a sweetener. Failure of Sucrose Replacement With the Non-Nutritive Sweetener Erythritol to Alter GLP-1 or PYY Release or Test Meal Size in Lean or Obese People. doi:10.1007/s00253-017-8654-1, US Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Laboratory. This versatility makes Swerve our top pick. Appl. It’s 70-80% as sweet as table sugar and has a mild flavor. However most erythritol is man-made from cornstarch. Erythritol is classified as a sugar alcohol due to its chemical structure. Powdered erythritol sweeteners bake in a way almost identical to sugar and are made by combining and fermenting certain natural sugars. Sugar alcohols, also called polyols, are sugar substitutes that occur naturally in plants and starches. 2013 Jun;62(2):269-271. doi:10.2332allergolint.12-LE-0517. Erythritol is a chemical compound, a sugar alcohol (or polyol), used as a food additive and sugar substitute. MedlinePlus. It is a monosaccharide, which means it cannot be broken down into other sugars. Erythritol isn’t actually a sugar – instead, it’s a sugar alcohol. If you are buying a combination sweetener such as erythritol and monk fruit, or brands such as Swerve Granular, check the ratio of the combination. the normal sugar we use in everyday life). Manufacturers use maize as a source of starch in the production of erythritol; therefore, the first step is the extraction of starch from maize. He is currently a pathology resident at the University of Chicago. Photo by Clara Piccirillo. Since erythritol naturally has a distinctive aftertaste, Swerve pairs this with oligosaccharides and natural flavors to smooth out the taste. This glucose is then mixed with yeast, such as Moniliella pollinis or Trichosporonoides megachliensis, and the yeast ferments the glucose to form erythritol Up to the present day, there is no proven and indisputable evidence showing toxic effects associated with erythritol toxic. When these fruits ferment, it creates the perfect environment for good bacteria to ‘eat’ the natural starches in the fruit. 2016;50(6):579-588. doi:10.1159/000450762, de Cock P, Mäkinen K, Honkala E, Saag M, Kennepohl E, Eapen A. Erythritol Is More Effective Than Xylitol and Sorbitol in Managing Oral Health Endpoints. In sugar alcohol, the carbonyl group is replaced by a OH group. The Harvard School of Public Health. Erythritol is one of my favorite sweeteners to use when I make my desserts. Leawood, Kansas: American Academy of Family Physicians 2020, Shirao K, Inoue M, Tokuda R et al. You can find erythritol naturally in certain fruits, mushrooms, and fermented foods. Some would be 1:1 with sugar, others may be less or more. Heat stable up to 160 degrees C. Erythritol is sugar alcohol. Erythritol. It works equally well for baking and for adding to hot drinks, and it dissolves with ease. This is further evidence that erythritol is made as the result of sugar breakdown 1. The fermented mixture is then heated (in order to kill off the yeast) an dried (by boiling off all the water) so that erythritol crystals are formed 1. Allergol Int. This means that erythritol becomes a solid which can be separated from the solution. 2016;2016:9868421. doi:10.1155/2016/9868421, Overduin J, Collet TH, Medic N et al. You might be familiar with sweeteners such as sorbitol, mannitol, and xylitol. Glucose has a carbonyl group. As explained above, erythritol does occur naturally in some fruits and fermented foods. Erythritol suppresses the biofilm formation, a range of bacteria that thrives on teeth and gums. However, a good number of these are mixed with other artificial sweeteners and are more expensive simply because they are pre-powdered. With a hydrolysis process, the long chains of starch are broken down into the smaller glucose molecules. Adam Cloe has been published in various scientific journals, including the "Journal of Biochemistry." Sugar is mixed with water and then fermented with a natural culture into erythritol. What is erythritol made from? Since erythritol isn’t as sweet as other natural or artificial sweeteners, it is often combined with less healthy sweeteners. Commercially, erythritol can also be made as a by-product of fermenting corn. Indian J Pharmacol. Corn is frequently used to create the sweetener; however, it is also found naturally in watermelon, soy sauce, and pears, among other foods. One molecule of erythritol is formed from 4 carbon atoms, 10 hydrogen atoms and 4 oxygen atoms 1. How is Erythritol Made? Being a polyol, or sugar alcohol, erythritol is manufactured in mass quantities as a biproduct of corn starch. Erythritol occurs naturally in some fruits and fermented foods, while manufacturers add a industrially fermentated version to low sugar and sugar-free … With only 6% of the calories of sugar, it still contains 70% of the sweetness. Accessed on January 28, 2014. Erythritol does not result in as much of a rise in blood sugar after meals or cause tooth decay. How is Erythritol made? The sugar is mixed with water, filtered, and then fermented with a natural culture and dried. This is why it is commonly added in gums or any other sugar-free candies. It is naturally occurring and is made from corn using enzymes and fermentation. Manufacturers accomplish this in several steps, the first one being a cleaning of the fermentation broth by passing the broth through solid material (adsorbents) which can retain some of the impurities. It has nothing than calories; it has no proteins, fat, vitamins or minerals and there is no need for it to be included in your diet. Erythritol is normally made from glucose that is created from corn or wheat starch 1. It is then filtered, allowed to crystallize, and then dried. It's a type of carbohydrate called a … : U.S. National Library of Medicine U.S. Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health, Regnat K, Mach RL, Mach-Aigner AR. from the University of Chicago and a Ph.D. in pathology from the University of Chicago. Made in the USA our Erythritol is 70% as sweet as table sugar, and contains virtually no calories. In fact it has a sweetness of about 60-70 % of that of sucrose (i.e. It can be seen that an OH group is bonded to the first carbon atom of the molecule, instead of a carbonyl. Erythritol as sweetener-wherefrom and whereto?. Food and Nutrition Information Center. Although we strive to deliver accurate and up-to-date information, no guarantee to that effect is made. This is true, of course, assuming that the industrial process was performed properly, implementing the existing legislation on food safety. To answer this question, we will briefly introduce erythritol, explaining what it is and its importance. 2016;48(3):237–240. Monedero V. et al., Perspectives of engineering lactic acid bacteria for biotechnological polyol production. It is a sugar alcohol because it is made via a fermenting process and has a specific chemical structure, called a hydroxyl group, attached to one end of the molecule. To do this, the starch is first treated with enzymes (special proteins) that break the starch down into glucose. Depending on what you are making, however, you can add the sweetener in at a 1.25:1 ratio because it is not as sweet. Appetite. According to a review found in the December issue of Food and Chemical Toxicology, erythritol can be found in such fermented beverages as wine, beer and sake, as well as in products made from pears, grapes, watermelon and soy 1. At this point, glucose is converted into erythritol with a fermentation process. How Erythritol Is Made . One of the wasted bi products is turned into erythritol through enzymatic hydrolysis. Sugar alcohols are a form of carbohydrates, and as such, they may not be advisable for diabetics. It is a polyol or four-carbon sugar alcohol which contains approximately 60% to 70% of the sweetness of sugar. However, they differ from the “standard” sugars because they do not have end carbonyl groups  (C=O); instead they have end hydroxyl groups, which is characteristic of alcohols. Many people replace it at a 1:1 ratio with table sugar in a recipe. Check price at AmazonSwerve Sweetener is one of the most popular sugar substitutes due to its unique way of creating the perfect balanced, sugar-like taste. The last step is a crystallization; the broth is cooled down to a temperature which makes erythritol precipitate from the fermentation solution. Like sugars, they have a hydroxyl group (O–H) on every carbon atom in the chain. Bethesda, Md. 2018;102(2):587–595. Cloe holds a Bachelor of Arts in biochemistry from Boston University, a M.D. (2010), 86, 1003-1015. Erythritol is a naturally occurring sugar alcohol found in fruit and fermented foods. A review of polyols - biotechnological production, food applications, regulation, labeling and health effects. Fruits like grape contain erythritol. These fears, however, are not justified, as erythritol is the same molecule – whatever its origin may be. Subsequently, the broth passes through filters whose pores have quite small dimensions (between 0.01 and 0.1 mm) to completely remove the fungus responsible for the fermentation. Erythritol (pronounced Ear-rith-ri-tall) is a type of carbohydrate called a sugar alcohol, or polyol, which are water-soluble compounds that occur naturally in many fruits and vegetables. The difference between erythritol and other sweeteners is the fact that the sweetness comes from sugar alcohols. – What Erythritol and Truvia are made of – Erythritol vs Truvia. Cargill. "Bitter Sweet": A Child Case of Erythritol-Induced Anaphylaxis. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2000 Mar;27(3):163-165. doi:10.1111/j.1346-8138.2000.tb02143.x, Sharma A, Amarnath S, Thulasimani M, Ramaswamy S. Artificial sweeteners as a sugar substitute: Are they really safe?. Erythritol is found naturally in some foods, however it needs human intervention to be used as a stand alone sweetener. Erythritol is usually made by the fermentation of natural sugars that found in corn. Glucose (see Figure) is one of the most common sugars in nature; it is present, for instance, in the table sugar sucrose. It can be naturally found in small amounts in fermented foods and some fruits, including – sake, wine, watermelons, beer, grapes, pears, and soy sauce. It can also be found in the tissues and fluids of human and other animals, in human urine and blood (at levels up to one milligram per liter). This glucose is then mixed with yeast, such as Moniliella pollinis or Trichosporonoides megachliensis, and the yeast ferments the glucose to form erythritol 1. Due to its large demand, however, the erythritol we use is produced at an industrial level with a fermentation process, using maize/corn as starting material. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Because erythritol retains about 60 to 80 percent of the sweetness of cane sugar (sucrose), it can be used as a replacement when baking foods and making candy. doi:10.4103/0253-7613.182888, How It’s Made. Though it sounds new, erythritol (ear-RITH-ri-tall) has been around as long as grapes, peaches, pears, watermelon, and mushrooms. As they chow down, the bacteria remove all the sugars, turning them into sweet, sweet erythritol. Manufacture of a Low-Calorie Sugar Substitute, Conversion into Erythritol: More Than One Step, It’s An Epidemic! Updated March 4, 2020. From a chemical point of view, during the fermentation one or more sugars are converted into alcohol, by either bacterial strains, yeasts or combinations of both. They are considered to be safe for human consumption. Such foods include fermented options such as cheese, as well as fermented beverages including wine and sake. The erythritol that you’ll find in some of your favorite low-calorie packaged foods—think ice creams and protein bars—is “a man-made additive derived from the fermentation of wheat or cornstarch, which creates a crystalline product similar to sugar,” adds Elizabeth Shaw, M.S., R.D.N., C.P.T., a nutrition expert and author at These products are compounds that, while sweet tasting, are unable to be utilized by the body for energy purposes, though they're usually made from sugar. A current trend in dietary supplements is the use of sugar substitutes. Erythritol is classified by the FDA as a zero-calorie, 4-carbon sugar alcohol that does not affect blood glucose. It is also commercially produced by fermentation from a simple sugar derived from corn, called dextrose. How to Make Erythritol. Copyright © 2021 Leaf Group Ltd., all rights reserved. In large-scale production, erythritol is created when a type of yeast ferments glucose from corn or wheat starch. Erythritol is usually made from plant sugars. Erythritol is normally made from glucose that is created from corn or wheat starch 1. Erythritol is considered a man-made sweetener., Rice T, Zannini E, K arendt E, Coffey A. However, the problem is that the grand majority of erythritol used in products today is man-made by taking glucose (most commonly from GMO cornstarch) and fermenting it with a yeast called Moniliella pollinis. As a result, they are a low-calorie alternative to sugars, such as sucrose. Please check with the appropriate physician regarding health questions and concerns. Sweeteners—Sugars. Long-Term Effect of Erythritol on Dental Caries Development during Childhood: A Posttreatment Survival Analysis. J Dermatol. Erythritol can be found naturally in many organisms, which indicates that it is a byproduct of metabolism of sugar 1. Erythritol does not have carcinogenic properties. Our Erythritol is not genetically modified, does not contain any genetically modified proteins, and is Gluten-Free. Microbiol. Accessed on January 28, 2014. The sources cited below consist of evidence from peer-reviewed journals, prominent medical organizations, academic associations, and government data. The information contained on this site is for informational purposes only, and should not be used as a substitute for the advice of a professional health care provider. Rather than just being discarded, we’ve learned to harness the waste created when manufacturing corn starch. The good news is, making your own powdered erythritol … In the case of erythritol, a fungus, Moniliella pollinis, performs the fermentation. The main reason for this is that, due to its different chemical structure, erythritol is absorbed much less by our body and, therefore, it gives it almost no energy. These crystals are then washed (to remove impurities), redissolved, purified again (using a special kind of chemical filter) and finally are isolated in solid form, at which point the erythritol is safe for human consumption 1. It can also be produced via fermentation at the industrial level. Erythritol is a naturally-occurring molecule, we can find it in fruits such as pears, water melons and grapes; it is also present in some drinks like sake and wine, and sauce such as soy sauce. While we know that corn has many benefits besides good for diabetes, it is also good for the bones. At Healthfully, we strive to deliver objective content that is accurate and up-to-date. It’s often preferred by those that don’t like the ultra-sweet taste of artificial sweeteners (1, 2). Starch is a compound formed by glucose molecules bonded to each other to form long chains. Unlike other sugar alcohols, it does not cause stomach upset. Sure, you can buy powdered erythritol sweeteners in-store and online. Food and Nutrition Information Center. Erythritol nutrition It also naturally occurs in many fruits and vegetables like melons, grapes and asparagus. Talk to a Dr. Berg Keto Consultant today and get the help you need on your journey. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. Photo by Diciu. Prescription Painkiller Use in Women Leading to a Huge Increase in Overdose Related Deaths, A Brief Guide to the Euclidean Postulates Found in Euclid’s Elements. Erythritol is a sugar alcohol, which has the power to prevent tooth decay. Its formula is C 4H 10O 4, or HO(CH2)(CHOH)2(CH2)OH; specifically, one particular stereoisomer with that formula. Here are a few things that make erythritol a stand out as a sugar alcohol. How Is Erythritol Made? In fact, they can cause blood sugar levels to rise. Erythritol is4: Fermented – it is made by fermenting the natural sugar found in corn. Sugar Substitutes. Erythritol manufacturing process. Carbohydrates. To do this, the starch is first treated with enzymes (special proteins) that break the starch down into glucose. For our health and/or nutrition, it makes no difference whether erythritol comes from a fruit or from an industrial plant. Erythritol. At the end of the fermentation, it is essential to “clean” the product, to eliminate all impurities and to obtain high purity erythritol. // Leaf Group Lifestyle, US National Library of Medicine. Erythritol can be made from GMO corn or wheat. Erythritol is a four-carbon sugar alcohol 1. 2016 Dec 1;107:596-603. doi:10.1016/j.appet.2016.09.009, Hino H, Kasai S, Hattori N, Kenjo K. A Case of Allergic Urticaria Caused by Erythritol. This process may be repeated several times to ensure a high level of purity, generally higher than 99.5 %. The erythritol used in manufactured foods is generally made by the fermentation of plant sugars, usually from corn. Nutritive and nonnutritive sweetener resources. At the same time, however, erythritol is much less calorific; according to the Harvard School of Public Health, a teaspoon of erythritol contains only 0.2 calories, instead of about 4 calories for sucrose. Washington DC: US Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Laboratory. Sugar Bad Effects Sugar has been deemed as the culprit to so many health problems. Sugar alcohols are both naturally occurring in some foods like fruit and alcohol. Fermentation is a process we are all quite familiar with; probably the most common application is the production of wines from grapes, beer from cereals, and other alcoholic beverages. Erythritol is a compound which the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) classified as Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) for the first time in 1999; in 2001 this status was confirmed. Erythritol is made by fermenting glucose with Moniliella pollinis, a natural microorganism. Reviewed April 20, 2019. Biotechnol. Erythritol is made from the sweet, natural starches in fruits like pears and melons. Erythritol is a chemical compound belonging to the family of sugar alcohols. Just make sure the erythritol combination doesn’t contain other additives that can spike your carb count and affect blood sugar. Int J Dent. The finished product is white granules or powder that resembles sugar. Fermentation is a natural process – the same process used to produce vinegar, kombucha, wine, beer, and pickles, among other things. These are molecules which have some characteristics in common with sugars and others with alcohols. With this, the glucose carbonyl group is converted into a hydroxyl group and the molecule goes from 6 carbon atoms to just 4. Due to its large demand, however, the erythritol we use is produced at an industrial level with a fermentation process, using maize/corn as starting material. Then we will talk about the process used at industrial level for its production, describing each step in detail. Our team periodically reviews articles in order to ensure content quality. 30 Mar / admin / Diet and Nutrition; Erythritol is a sugar alcohol that is very low in calories and has little effect on blood sugar levels. Erythritol to Alter GLP-1 or PYY Release or Test Meal Size in Lean or people. A result, they are a Low-Calorie alternative to sugars, they may not broken... They have a hydroxyl group how is erythritol made the molecule, instead of a.. The existing legislation on food safety to ‘ eat ’ the natural sugar found in.! Of Erythritol-Induced Anaphylaxis find erythritol naturally has a mild flavor and fermented.! Are pre-powdered proteins ) that break the starch down into glucose current trend dietary... Still contains 70 % as sweet as other natural or artificial sweeteners, it is by... 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