What this means for night owls is underproduction of melatonin and – as less melatonin is available – disruptions to the hormone’s various functions. Here’s a second uncomfortable truth: science has largely nullified any counterargument to the contrary. All trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective owners. “We’ve known for years now that people who engage in shift work, at night, are at much greater risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and a host of other problems.” – Dr. Courtney Peterson, Physician at Pennington Biomedical Research Center, You are likely one of two kinds of people: a “morning lark” or a “night owl.” Like the pull of the North and South poles, people gravitate to one or the other on the “morning/night tolerance scale.”. 11 Really? Here are some of the bad effects of staying up late for health that should not be underestimated: Launch Bustle, the bad impact of staying up late that should not be ignored is an increase in blood sugar levels. The stress and exhaustion resulting from sleep deprivation can, over time, trigger telogen effluvium, causing diffuse hair loss across the scalp. Here is some interesting research-based info about sleep/wake cycles: – There is no observed correlation with intelligence, success, and one’s sleep/wake cycle. 1, staying up late can easily lead to physical decline, even if young people often stay up late also easily lead to decreased immunity. I despise mornings. Routine interruption may throw other employees off, particularly those who rely on the late employee to do parts of their jobs. I decided I’d rather go to bed early and get the sleep I need than be tired and groggy the next day. Therefore, objectivity is required, and therefore we’ll (albeit, grudgingly) oblige. “White matter” in the brain is a fatty tissue that facilitates communication between neurons; how the brain sends signals various areas of the body to turn “on” or “off.”. Retrieved March 30, 2017, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suprachiasmatic_nucleus, Yu, X., Rollins, D., Ruhn, K. A., Stubblefield, J. J., Green, C. B., Kashiwada, M., . Please see our Privacy Policy | Terms of Service. Typically, the aforementioned physiological response occurs at approximately 9 PM – a time when night owls, although not completely alert, are far from nodding off. Also read: Sleep too late and wake up late, what are the consequences? As is well known, high blood sugar levels are the main cause of heart and kidney disease. Staying up late over the weekend combines with anticipatory workweek stress to keep you up late. If you keep on staying up until 2:00 am, you might one day wake up in the hospital with a severe case of high blood pressure. Whether you’re staying up late to cram as a student, having a big night with friends or binging a new series on Netflix, hitting the sack consistently by 10pm is hard to do. – Had a higher body mass index (BMI), a measure of body weight.Â. It weakens the immune system Insufficient sleep is one of the major causes of skin damage. bad effects of staying up late for health, Manchester City reach League Cup final after defeating Manchester United, Storming the Capitol: NBA stars denounce inequality, FCC classifies Huawei and ZTE as threats to national security – Clubic. Sleeping late leads to mental illnesses such as depression, schizophrenia and Alzheimer’s disease. Unfortunately, this is an issue for almost everyone who stays up late at night. Continuous sleep loss leads to serious... 2. Getting a consistent eight-hour sleep every night can seem near impossible. … Mom would probably advise that staying up late will make you cranky in the morning, but that may not be the case. A nearly immediate effect of going to bed after midnight is that it throws off your natural circadian rhythms, governed by your SCN, and this may lead to insomnia. Some studies say, the effect of staying up all night on the brain is similar to a person drunk with alcohol. 7 Ways Staying Up Late Could Be Harmful To Your Health 1. While the reasons for these effects are hazy, researchers suggest that diet (eating calories after 8 pm) and overexposure to artificial light – two common behaviors of night owls – can both influence metabolic functions. Also read: Watch out, the child who stays up late is vulnerable to obesity. The brain and body are finely tuned to adapt to changes in the environment, including self-inflicted ones (i.e., habits.) Yet despite knowing that staying up late could result in weight gain (and oh it did), I continued stuffing my face at night anyway. Weakens the immune system (2017). You may have heard that sleeping is important to your health. FCC Classifies Huawei and ZTE as Threats to National Security Clubic Huawei and ZTE are officially considered threats to American national security PhonAndroid It’s official, Posted on Wednesday, July 1, 2020 at 4:16 p.m. By B. Bertskin A serious traffic accident occurred this Monday evening in the rue du Bois, Former Minister of Defense for the YES movement Karla Šlechtová became infected with coronavirus. Dr. Phylliss Zee, senior author of the study, states: “When sleep and eating are not aligned with the body’s internal clock, it can lead to changes in appetite and metabolism, which could lead to weight gain.”. Staying up late might be bad for your health – but not because you’re getting less sleep. For example, an employee working on a project who is late 10 minutes each day for a week loses nearly an entire hour of work. © 2009-2021 Power of Positivity. If you are eating heavy meals, it'll make it harder to fall asleep (and lead to worsened digestion), and it could raise your insulin levels, leading to metabolic syndrome after all, he said. The list of reports was confirmed by the chairman of the, Unlike the previous one, the offseason was very calm in the ranks of C’Chartres MHB. Night Owls and Early Risers Have Different Brain Structures. Not only that, studies show, people who stay up late generally eat unhealthy foods high in fat and calories. Three things have helped me stick to my bed time. A lack of sleep has many negative effects on academics, health, and safety for high school students. In fact, quality sleep at night with a regular schedule is important to support organ performance, metabolism, to maintain endurance. Exposure to light stimulates a pathway from the retina of the eye to the brain’s hypothalamus, where the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) is located. Nobody talk to me. In a study published in the journal Science, researchers observed the negative effects of tinkering with the circadian rhythm. Oh. “There is no doubt that adequate duration and quality sleep is important to our health,” said Peter Yau, MD, a pulmonologist on the medical staff at Scott & White Memorial Hospital – Temple who specializes in sleep medicine. Staying up late doesn't just affect your body on the inside. Hooper, L. V. (2013). Retrieved March 30, 2017, from https://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/11/18/so-you-think-you-can-be-a-morning-person/?_r=0, The National Sleep Foundation. Humans aren’t used to staying up late Something that I have come to realize in the past few days is that humans are not used to staying up late. This condition is normal if it causes drowsiness. It dulls activity in the brain ’s frontal lobe, the locus of decision-making and impulse control. You may have heard that going to bed early is good to your body. Conversely, staying up late or not sleeping all night can hinder the healing process of pain. So it’s a little like being drunk. However, there are a lot Immune deficiency is also a product of insufficient sleep. By viewing, you agree to our. But I’m also a big proponent of the scientific method; observation, proof, evidence, all that. Sometimes they sleep for more than 10 hours and when they wake up they feel so groggy, without the will and power to do anything, as if they haven’t slept at all. Not staying up late. Lack of sleep can also trigger micro sleep or snooze unconsciously for a few seconds. Here are 5 negative effects that *sniff, sniff, tear* staying up late has on your body: 1. Another bad impact of staying up late is causing drowsiness during the day until micro sleep. Also read: Bad effects staying up late can cause pimples to appear, how come? TH17 Cell Differentiation Is Regulated by the Circadian Clock. – It is possible, though difficult, to change from an owl to a lark. Sleeping Late Is Bad for Your Health, Science Says ... Wake up early. 2. I used to stay up late squeezing a few more hours of whatever in before finally going to sleep. In order to stay awake, people who stay up late tend to eat late at night. Night owls might get a rap for staying up too late watching Netflix or getting lost in meme spirals on the web, but it’s not all fun and games. Called the period-3 gene, the “long version” of period-3 are morning larks, while those with the “short version” are owls. Study: Staying up late tied to poor eating habits, weight gain. According to a research study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, “Men who are night owls are more likely to have diabetes and female night owls as twice as likely to have metabolic syndrome as their early rising equivalents.”, Related article: 5 Diseases That Can Grow In Your Body When You Don’t Sleep Enough. Many people on their days off from work, or students during their breaks, stay up late at night and sleep in late in the morning. Breaking out. If you stay up late and wake up early, the next day you would find out that your temper would worsen and are in bad mood. Serious impacts of staying up late to your body 1. In addition, lack of sleep due to staying up late can also reduce creativity and the brain’s ability to solve problems. Disproportionate levels of white matter suppress the brain’s ability to transmit signals these across the brain and body. For each hour of “jet lag” that shifted sleep hours, the risk of heart disease in people who stayed up increased by 11 percent. Learn how your comment data is processed. Light-cycle disruptions were shown to increase “proinflammatory immune cells that protect against bacterial and fungal infections.”. Suprachiasmatic nucleus. As long as you're getting enough zzz's, stay up however late you like if it works for you. ... the United Kingdom found "night owls" … This Monday, at the end of the afternoon, during the, Hosted by Byohosting - Most Recommended Web Hosting - for complains, abuse, advertising contact: o f f i c e @byohosting.com. Your voice will eventually become rough and hoarse when you develop the habit of going to bed late and waking up early. People sleeping late tend to have sleeping pills, which further increases the stress levels. Studies in the 1990s indicate … Your email address will not be published. Your resistance would drop which makes you catch a cold easily. Frequently, late employees hinder productivity on a bigger level than an employer might initially realize. However, if people often stay up late, the secretion of these two substances will be gravely impacted. If you experience that daily, it can put a stress on the body that undermines health. 1. Did I ACTUALLY get 8 hours of sleep, because it feels like I just FELL asleep! Who was sitting in the house around her? Research shows, people who are used to staying up late tend to experience symptoms of depression. This impairs their daily life. Theoretically, by waking up 20 minutes earlier each day (at the latest, 6 am) and hitting the lights, the brain can slowly recalibrate. Sleep denial over a long period, like days, can cause hallucinations. Yes, this writer is a night owl. Before giving credit where it’s due: to science, research, and…(ugh) “morning people”…a short tirade. Here’s the kicker: weekends are no exception. Be careful, research reveals the effects of staying up late for health can also increase the risk of heart disease. time in which humans should aim to get their nightly sleep is broader than you might The body cells do not get enough... 3. The Side Effects Of Staying Up Late Weaker immune system Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome (DSPS) Weight Gain Hormonal imbalance Lowered work efficiency High blood pressure Staying up late … After a weekend of sleeping late, you have to wake up hours earlier; it’s like jumping to a new time zone. Stay up late to hurt the body, have a serious impact on fertility. Late-night binges are all-too familiar to anyone who’s pulled an all-nighter studying or … Sleeping late has adverse effects on your voice tone and quality. You are exhausted which compromises the immune system. An employee who isn't working when he's supposed to is an immediate loss of productivity. Time to resume for the handball players of C’Chartres MHB. Melatonin is a hormone produced in the pineal gland that regulates sleep and wakefulness. There are too manyreasons to prove that stayinguplateis a bad habit, and it might affect people’s whole life. A small study in 2015 found that people who liked to stay up late had higher blood sugar levels than people with normal and regular sleep schedules. This poor diet can cause blood sugar levels to spike, high cholesterol, and are prone to chronic disease. Obesity : Less hours of sleep forces your body to produce more amounts of hunger hormone ghrelin, when this happens people tend to feel hungrier than usual. 7 am? – Ate half as much fruits and vegetables. But I was always tired and taking naps. Even if you’re not a night owl, you might just find it … I live alone. However, Glatter has a tip: eat something light if you're noshing late at night. 1. To date, abnormal white matter levels have been linked to depression and impaired cognitive function. Coffee…coffee…could someone bring me some dang coffee so I could function? Some people naturally gravitate to staying up late, and while genetics do play a major role in establishing your body clock, some research is suggesting later bedtimes could be bad for your health. Oh, and besides having a weakened immune system and potentially unhealthy brain, us night owls stuff our faces more too. Skimping on sleep sets your brain up to make bad decisions. The result of staying up too often can also change your diet to be unhealthy. Although experts are still studying the causal relationship between waking up and depression, but for sure the two are interrelated. To do so requires discipline, patience, and time-management. Or, you can just love being a lark or an owl, roll the dice and enjoy life…yeah, that sounds good. Getting out of bed late is even more dangerous for chain smokers who will smoke more because they are up till late. Effect of staying up late. All rights Reserved. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Retrieved March 30, 2017, from http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2013/11/why-late-nights-are-bad-your-immune-system, Parker-Pope, T. (2011, November 18). In its “natural” state, our circadian rhythm is programmed for 12 hours of light and 12 hours of dark; when this internal body clock is toyed with, our immune system suffers. This is an interesting point as it indicates that staying up late is a very unnatural behavior. The effects of staying up late for health can also reduce brain function to think. I have difficulty breathing, writes the infected Šlechtová. – Whether you’re a morning person or night owl is thought to be genetically determined. This site is not intended to provide, and does not constitute, medical, health, legal, financial or other professional advice. Your email address will not be published. We all know that high blood pressure is caused by too much stress. Here’s the uncomfortable truth, my fellow warriors of the night: it’s bad for your health. The impact, the portion of food in a day is excessive. It can cause a variety of harms to human body. Melatonin and Sleep. "If you do keep late hours, stick with foods that are easy-to-digest, healthy carbs but not excessive amounts of protein, fiber, or fat. Staying up late and sleeping in every morning is also associated with a greater tendency for risk-taking, according to a 2014 study in Evolutionary Psychology. I hate my life. Normally, frequent staying up late will lead to fatigue and degraded immunity. Retrieved March 30, 2017, from http://www.businessinsider.com/is-staying-up-late-bad-for-you-2015-4, Gallardo, M. (2011, May 4). It’s bad for brain health Here are some specific findings of the study; night owls: – Ate 248 more calories throughout the day. Breus, M.J, Dr. (2013, December 1). January 30, 2015 rowellalaa Leave a comment I used to stay up late at night for various reasons: Doing some schoolwork, chatting with my friends or staying … Kevin O'Leary, Anna Wintour, and President Obama are among many who rise at … This brain function is related to attention, focus, concentration, response, memory, to emotional intelligence. (2017). Required fields are marked *. So You Think You Can Be a Morning Person? Good quality sleep is part of the body’s natural healing process. Staying up very late disrupts the body’s natural sleep-wake cycle, which can affect a person’s mental functioning and energy levels the next day. The alarm clock buzzes and I wish I could haul it from my 4th story apartment window. Giving unsolicited advice isn't as helpful as you may think it is. According to Sleep FoundationSo far, many people stay up late just to finish serials… Henry Ford once stated that people who don’t think they can do something certainly wouldn’t accomplish anything. Our immune systems are inextricably linked to a predisposed sleep and wake cycle – the... 2. Young people develop a bad habit of staying up late, will harm the male spermatogenesis. Â. KOMPAS.com – There is a point in the prohibition of staying up late because it has a bad effect on health. A 2015 study found health problems like high blood sugar linked to people with an evening-driven schedule. Always has been, and probably always will be. The dangers of staying up late for mental health should not be underestimated, namely depression. Staying up late to finish homework and waking up early to get ready for school keeps students from receiving the recommended amount of sleep. According to a 2007 study published in the journal Sleep, women who didn't get enough sleep showed increased signs of aging skin, including reduced elasticity, more fine lines, and a reduced ability to heal from sunburns. Therefore, your body doesn't have enough antibodies. Greek yogurt with some berries and nu… Skin damage Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Look at all the gadgets, cre... Our passion is to serve and bring the best possible positive information, news, expertise and opinions to this page. The SCN, in addition to producing melatonin, fires signals to parts of the brain that control body temperature and hormone levels. These negative effects have caused school officials to consider changing school start in order Retrieved March 30, 2017, from http://scopeblog.stanford.edu/2011/05/04/staying_up_late/, Norton, E. (2013, November 7). When sleeping well, the immune system helps the body fight disease or infection. I … Not sleeping or staying awake all night can affect the ability to think, mood, and physical health. Retrieved March 30, 2017, from https://sleepfoundation.org/sleep-topics/melatonin-and-sleep, Wikipedia. As this writer leans heavily to the “owl” side of the scale, it brings me no joy to bring disheartening news to my fellow night owls. Retrieved March 30, 2017, from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/dr-michael-j-breus/night-owl-sleep_b_4276411.html, Brodwin, E. (2015, April 9). If you’re prone to bouts of acne, you are at greater risk of breaking out thanks to a poor night’s sleep. The human brain and body are designed to have a rest period when they have just missed sleep. (Sorry, Ben Franklin). Micro sleep can be dangerous, especially for a person driving a vehicle. According to Sleep FoundationSo far, many people stay up late just to finish serials, play games, or party with friends. As well as having a harder time falling asleep, you will also have trouble staying asleep. Bad Effect of Staying Up Late and the Adjustment Methods you ever missed your work/class or failed on concentrating on one thing after stayinguplate? In a 52-person study undertaken at Northwestern University, and published in the journal Obesity, researchers found a link between sleeping patterns and poor eating habits. Regularly staying up late could be deadly, study finds ... reason why being a morning person matters: Your risk of death may be lower. In fact, up until about 100 years ago most human beings would go to bed at a little after sundown. Our immune systems are inextricably linked to a predisposed sleep and wake cycle – the circadian rhythm. Why Late Nights Are Bad for Your Immune System. You may call yourself a night owl, but the reality of sleep deprivation is that staying up too late is bad for your health. 12 Side Effects of Staying Up Late To Harm Your Health Note: PLEASE READ MY MEDICAL AND HEALTH DISCLAIMER FOR MORE INFORMATION. Also read: Staying up late can lose weight only a myth, why is that? . Finally, our health condition will be degraded. Scientists at Aachen University in Germany administered brain scans of 59 people categorized into three groups: 16 early risers, 23 night owls, 20 and “intermediates.” Analyzing the scan results, scientists concluded that night owls possessed less “white matter integrity” in various areas of the brain. We want to help our community find and shine their inner light - the truth of love, light, and positivity that is within us all! . Changes in sleep patterns that are erratic, for example sleeping regularly on weekdays and staying up late every now and then every week can cause “jet lag“. Science, 342(6159), 727-730. doi:10.1126/science.1243884, Power of Positivity uses cookies to help us improve our site. Denying your body sleep may cause you to be stressed out and hence end up with high blood pressure. KOMPAS.com – There is a point in the prohibition of staying up late because it has a bad effect on health. The other person may become offended, irritated, ... It’s astounding what women have done in the name of beauty since the beginning of time. Https: //well.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/11/18/so-you-think-you-can-be-a-morning-person/? _r=0, the immune system and potentially unhealthy brain, us night owls stuff faces. Helped me stick to my bed time and hoarse when you develop the habit of staying up tied... Stay awake, people who don’t think they can do something certainly wouldn’t anything... Your body on the brain ’ s whole life, science Says... wake up tied., trigger telogen effluvium, causing diffuse hair loss across the scalp works for you heard sleeping... Objectivity is required, and does not constitute, medical, health, legal, financial or other professional.! Be careful, research, and… ( ugh ) “morning people”…a short tirade, Power Positivity... ), 727-730. doi:10.1126/science.1243884, Power of Positivity uses cookies to help us our. Young people develop a bad habit, and probably always will be ’ Chartres MHB ’ s whole.. 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