My golden is 15 in August this year and has recently been panting heavily. We love your sense of humor, given your situation with Ben. So I’m just wondering what’s going on with her. We suggest discussing with your Vet. They are clueless to what the problem is. Our research has revealed that it could just be as simple as a cramp, but best to have her checked out if she still seems out of sorts. My 13 year old dog is panting hard like right after she hurt her leg what can this mean. Per our article, excessive panting could be caused by many reasons. During the day he has panting spells that are only a few minutes long. We can only offer suggestions based on our research. If your dog is panting excessively, however, it could be a sign that something is wrong. Again, the best advice is that if you see changes in your dog’s panting behavior, it is a good idea to see your veterinarian. Dog guardians’ own understandably frustrated reaction to their dogs’ behavior can also aggravate the problem—especially punishment is used. Galliprant is a newer NSAID that is considered to be safer on the kidneys in older dogs and is being used much more frequently by veterinarians. Please let us know the outcome and thank you for your comment. First, we must apologize for the delay in response. Panting, as most pet parents know, gives them relief from the heat (like sweating does for humans) as well as stress relief. I do not want him to suffer!! As we stated, we are not vets and therefore cannot diagnose your pet’s situation. I know she is in pain I have noticed she has a few bump masses, my husband said it’s a fatty build up. Panting and pain in older lab. My 4 month old French mastiff out of no where last night went very quiet and not herself. This condition arises almost exclusively in older dogs. I am taking him to the vet though on Monday. help yourself with miftolo’s tools which will shorten the time of creating an article to a couple of seconds. We highly recommend taking your mini schnauzer to your Vet. If a dog seems to be breathing heavily, it can mean there is something physically wrong. She just started panting very heavily, breathing very heavily and she can’t be still or get comfortable. We care! He has been on them for 6 days now and we now start weaning him off of the prednisone by giving him a half a pill every other day for 3 days. Hopefully, a new Vet will be able to find out what your pet’s problem is.  |, Lynn M. Hayner It is a syndrome that can effect patience with Alzheimers or dementia and senior dogs, (age 7+ depending on size and breed), can get Alzheimer’s and demential, too. Arthritis can be very uncomfortable for your pet. Although you can treat and manage congestive heart failure in dogs, you can't reverse it or cure it. Older dogs can suffer from fears and phobias of noise and thunderstorms and, less commonly, of going outdoors, entering certain rooms or walking on certain types of surfaces. We are very glad that you have recognized this change and are reaching out. We have heard that certain drugs and/or combination of drugs can cause this type of behavior. As a result, you might observe deterioration in how your dog learns, thinks, and remembers, and these behavioral changes can impact the lives of both you and your dog. You might notice slowness in getting up, stiffness, and even limping for … I have tried every home and over the counter remedy for itchy skin and nothing has worked. If your dog is panting all the time, I would definitely consider the fact that they could be in pain. Pet ( fentenal ) .  |. Please visit our blog often for new posts. Medications such as Prednisone or pain killers such as Tramadol or Fentanyl as well as thyroid meds can cause increased panting. Heat – Old dogs are more sensitive to heat than their younger counterparts and are more likely to suffer heat stroke so it is important not to walk your senior dog in the middle of the day when the sun is at its peak. If the panting becomes more excessive than usual or if she seems in pain, then another trip to the Vet would be in order, so they can observe this excessive panting, perhaps run more tests to rule out anything more serious. It could be an allergy (food, environmental, or other causes), but we cannot be sure. As you mentioned, her panting could be caused from pain, or perhaps anxiety from not being able to see well. Dog guardians’ own understandably frustrated reaction to their dogs’ behavior can also aggravate the problem—especially punishment is used. After a workout or when the temperature rises, dogs will pant more frequently. As mentioned, we are not Vets and cannot diagnose your special female pug’s situation. I will check into miftolo’s tools and also try and post more often. Thank God. Your Vet sounds so nice and I understand you don’t want to take advantage of his generosity, but a call to discuss this possibility seems in order, as there are medication that can help alleviate anxiety and help your little lady be more calm and comfortable. Although the panting caused by obesity isn’t harmful on its own, being significantly overweight can lead to many other more serious issues. In all our research, senior dogs do pant more often, which as stated can be caused from a number of factors including but not limited to anxiety, pain, obesity, overheating, and more. Loss of appetite; Lethargy; Swollen joints; Visible loss of muscle mass My dear sister had to put her senior dog named Scrappy, down recently. I’ve checked for tics bites and anything else and have found nothing. We have a German shepherd/Chow mix, Max is 15 years old. Overview . We hope this helps and please let us know how she is doing. He drinks a lot more to, can’t afford to take him to the vet. It is so hard to know that your dog is in pain. If your older dog shivers or shakes, especially in the hind end, he may be exhibiting one of the signs of pain due to canine arthritis. Abnormal causes of panting in dogs Fear or stress Pain Heat stroke Obesity Poisoning Heart failure or lung disease Anemia Respiratory illness Cushing’s disease ² Susan, you should just let people comment and not respond if all you have to say in nearly every single response is “sorry and to go visit a vet”. However, if your dog suddenly starts exhibiting these behaviors, remember that bloat also occurs most often at night and may trigger restlessness. Hello blogger, i’ve been reading your articles for some time and I really like coming back here. Symptoms of more advanced arthritis in older dogs might include: Panting, pacing, restlessness – all signs of pain/distress in dogs; Whining or whimpering during exercise, when standing up etc. We hope it is minor, and maybe the onset of arthritis, which is common among older dogs and can be treated fairly easily. Perhaps, since her poop was runny, she may have a digestive issue, and hopefully it will pass as something she ate that did not agree with her. He starts panting and shaking bad at random times. My 9 year old cocker spaniel was just updated on her shots a few weeks ago and her systems seemed to check out fine. Will he be ok. For older dogs, between the ages of 8-15, panting can be a sign of cognitive changes. U can go to online such as chewy they make a safe canine pill similar to human aspirin, also if arthritic there is a great joint pain supplement , duralactin. Made so much difference in mobility, mood and pain, good luck. Dear Doctor: We have a 13-year-old cocker spaniel that has started to pace at night when we are trying to sleep, and she is panting when it does not … In terms of Euthenasia and the best timing for this decision, it truly is a personal one. To further elaborate on this, white willow bark contains salicin which is useful in making aspirin. Since we are not Veterinarians, we can’t diagnose, and most would want to examine your puppy. It is interesting to note that if your Great Dane does not have a GI disorder or other underlying medical problem, the licking of your couch could cause ingestion of fibers and or hair, and this could in turn could eventually cause a GI problem. They also are prone to trembling. Can someone pls help????? Otherwise she is in good shape and spirits for her age. He gets plenty of water. Wow, 16 years in a couple of months, that is great. Our 11 year old black lab just started pacing , panting constantly yesterday. It appears to be linked to weakening of muscles with age, along with mild degeneration of the nervous system. Your dog may also lose his appetite. Should I be worried? Panting can mean many different things, some serious and some not. But trembling can also be a sign of other issues such as pain. With a variety of causes for the condition, you should always consult the veterinarian with concerns of lameness or behavioral changes in your dog. We know that making the decision to let your furry family member move on to the Rainbow Bridge is a very, very, tough one. Arthritis causes changes within the affected joints that are painful for the affected pet. We love to hear from you. Arthritis in old dogs is one of the main causes of lameness and joint pain in dogs. Is this panting something I should worry about? It appears that your wonderful Jack Russell does have some kind of anxiety going on before bedtime. But he’s started panting excessively to the point where all u can hear is Ben.if u shhhh him he goes quiet,if u are paying him attention he goes quiet.but if u are doing other stuff he gets louder n louder any ideas on what we can do.other than earplugs? First, we must qualify our answers, by saying that we are not Vets, and we always suggest that when there is a change in your dog’s behavior that causes you some concern, such as excessive panting, mood swings, changes in eating or digestive issues, to name a few, you should consult your Vet. $700. As we mentioned, panting can be caused by many situations including anxiety, pain, allergies and more. We too use electric magnetic stimulation called Bemer… Works beautifully on our 10 year old golden retriever if you would like more info on this give us a call Gary Carr 310 5797497. Excessive licking can also be from anxiety or in some cases obsessive disorders where they over-groom themselves. Dear Doctor: We have a 13-year-old cocker spaniel that has started to pace at night when we are trying to sleep, and she is panting when it does not … In our research, excessive panting often seems to be a sign that something is not quite right. She is on 32 kg. She is incontinent and struggles to walk. As mentioned in our blog about excessive panting, we had a similar question recently and it may be that your dog is panting in response to pain or it could be a reaction to a medication or onset of dementia. But this panting thing that just started last night has me bothered. Any ideas of what could be happening? When I take him outside he does walk but when I come inside he looks at the stairs and will only come up if I put him on the stairs. Am I doing everything I can for her or is it getting time to think about euthenasia? Please keep us up to date, we truly care and best of luck. Cheers. WE CARE. From 424 quotes ranging from $500 - $1,800 . They say that the dosage for a human does not always translate to a pet. Hello Anna marie, thank you for your comment. Many pet owners whose dogs have arthritis mentioned that coconut oil has seemed to help. Our first suggestion is to contact your veterinarian who may want to rule out any medical issue your puppy may have. Our suggestions is for you to consider finding another pet parent and asking for them for a good, qualified Vet recommendation. We would love to know her progress! Sometimes a special blanket or toy with your scent on it can help. I have read that panting is a reaction to the Prednisone. But I know my Max really well. In most of our research, as dogs move on to their senior years, they may lose some congnitive functions and this can cause anxiety. for fear of killing some innocent person or family. Hello Holly, What does the aspirin do? On top of age, if that older dog (or any dog) has arthritis, pain or is obese, then panting can increase. In most cases, your Vet should be able to diagnose whether he is in pain or just suffering from anxiety. Two years ago he had a growth on his spleen and we took him to Virginia Tech Veterinary Hospital. Now and again teeth grind. Even younger dogs and cats, under the right circumstances, can suffer from arthritic changes. In the case of panting, there is a common and I’m happy to say generally benign cluster of factors that may cause the behavior. Hello Laura, Thank you for visiting our blog and for your comment. Please also visit us for new blogs and share. so on Friday , my rusty boy will be at the vet . We are not Veterinarians and therefore we cannot diagnose this issue. She won’t let me leave anything on her to cool her down, and refuses ice. Every time she moves, she groans. Old dogs tend to pant more than young dogs. He is still panting and is not lively at all. Our dogs are living longer these days, which is unequivocally great! There’s no problems when we leave for work at different times in the mornings. Should we put her down??? They are trained to understand the emotions involved with family and the quality of life you want for your Snoopy. Hi Judith, I will let Sam reply, but please read our comment about the danger of giving human drugs whether over-the-counter, or pharmaceuticals to pets without a Vet’s recommendation. He’ll walk around the house as usual then lays down gently and closes his eyes. Since we are not Vets, we are not able to diagnose. You obviously have been taking very good care of him. What are the symptoms? It does appear there is something going on with your lab given the agitation, change of behavior and not wanting to leave your sight. He did have neck problems from a fall he had about 5 years ago and has only had 3 problems with that since. I love their wizened, grey muzzles. With congestive heart failure, your dog may have difficulty with respiration, is coughing at rest or has an enlarged abdomen due to fluid accumulation. She is fine during the day. I know that writing posts takes a lot of time, but you can always Many things change in dogs as they grow old. Hopefully, it is just a temporary situation. Arthritis: This painful condition can cause panting when your dog moves around, even if it’s just to resettle himself on his bed. Maybe it’s just been sore for her recently? Is it because she has been seperated from her siblings and parents ? This pain is responsible for many of the signs associated with arthritis. More frequent updates will give your blog higher rank & authority in google. the panting has just started in the last few months. I have a palmoranian and shiztsu mix she’s been panting a lil more then usual can’t really get comfortable and when she went to the bathroom last her poop was runny. How to respond : Pet parents should track their dog’s reactions to typical interactions to determine if the lack of wagging is related to general cognition issues or if the universal lack of wagging is pain based. We also suggest, in our article, that you watch closely for other signs such as restlessness, constant licking at one spot or difficulty getting up or down, as those can be signs that she may be suffering from some form of pain. We know that panting is normal for dogs to regulate their body temperature since they don’t sweat like we do. Essentially if she can relax all morning and day because I’m not at work she just sleeps and is fine but otherwise she is panting. Hello Angela, We highly recommend you contact/visit your Veterinarian. Arthritis, which literally means “inflammation of the joint (s),” is certainly one of the most common, but it isn't always the culprit. Arthritis This is more frequently seen in older dogs, but it can happen to younger ones as well. The first sign of aging that most owners notice with their dog is arthritis. Thank you again! We hope this helps and please feel free to write again. Panting can be a sign of anxiety. Go thru an internet site and have your Vet check his liver every yr. It sounds as if you 6 year old Jack’s panting and other behavior has changed. There are some very good medications for anxiety in dogs. Let us know how he is doing, we truly like to hear back. Hopefully, he is not in pain, and may just need an anti-anxiety medication. Please let us know what the Vet says or does, as we like to learn more about situations like this so we can share with our blog readers. If your dog is not as lively or moving as well as he used to, it could be the onset of arthritis. And then for the last few nights he has started panting like crazy at night to where it shakes my entire bed house normally stays around 65 to 68 so I know he’s not hot, he is restless as well. Since it is not recommended to give any kind of medication without a Vet’s advice, the best thing you can do is to keep her as comfortable as possible until the visit. Dogs that feel discomfort may pace, pant, vocalize or be restless and these signs can be most pronounced at night. He went though the disvibular ear problem back in January. My 11.10 dog, Beau, recently has had great changes, vet said arthritis. How much better it would be if they could talk and tell us what is bothering them. I feel that if you want to assist animals in trouble then its better to not be on line. Usually, small toy breeds are more likely to have this condition. His panting is very fast and hard but he does this only when he is sleeping. For example, large-breed dogs like Great Danes are considered to be seniors at 6 or 7 years of age, whereas small breeds like toy poodles aren't generally considered old until several years later. We are so sorry to hear of the issues your 15 year old German Shepherd is having. Hi, I have a 4 year old Chihuahua that weights around 5 pounds. again PLEASE DO NOT PLAY DR. WITH YOUR DOG. The fact that you noticed her panting behavior changing, and you took the correct first step in seeing your Vet to rule out that something serious medically might be going on, seems to indicate that she might be suffering from anxiety or stress related to a decrease in certain cognitive functions. Thank you. The best advice we can give is to take your little guy to the Vet to rule out anything serious. We are sorry to hear about the health issues your Border Collie/lab mix has been having. Ive done some research and nothing has really helped. If nothing shows up, they will often test different pain medications to see if that helps. We wish you good luck and give that special pet a hug for us! Perhaps he has another medication for this. Dogs can also experience generalized pain due to infection, injury, and even dental disease. Did the Vet say how long it would take for the pills to begin working? I,m also facing blindness from glaucoma . Vanilla flavored chewable. She is eating well no problems urinating or bowel movements. and also gave him predisolone injection because he is itching here and there . We hope your dog is doing better now. This information will be very helpful when discussing this situation with your Vet. When dogs get older, they become more prone to various medical conditions and there are numerous reasons why your older dog is panting more. as I,ve had to give up driving . It is stressed in all of our blogs that medical concerns should be taken up with your veterinarian. I swim him daily for physical therapy w/ a walk on beach. Arthritis is usually a problem in older dogs, but the condition can develop from an early age due to problems with bone and joint development. This panting has been going on for about three months and keeps me awake so we now sleep in the family room so he can be on the couch and I’m in a recliner. This can cause increased anxiety or stress. Unfortunately the infection returned, and she has been on antibiotics for a month, with the infection finally almost clearing up. Medications and supplements are available to ease the symptoms of arthritis and ease your dog’s discomfort. Should we take him to a vet? Hello and thank you for your comment and question, we always welcome them. I drove transport truck for 41 yrs. We love Cocker Spaniels. Obvioulsy she must have decent vision for this to help. As we know, dogs normally pant to cool themselves versus sweating like humans. Hello Poojan, Hello, One week ago my 10 year old Beagle started panting every few evenings and licking constantly for 2-3 hours. payment over time, or a deep discount for those that cannot afford. Although most dogs develop hearing loss gradually, you … Is this anxity? Excessive panting; Sleeping more than usual; How do you Treat Dog Arthritis? and finally the 100 MG patch . Hi Dawn, as we state in our article, panting is necessary for dogs since this is the equivalent of a human perspiring. Good luck and please let us know how Max is doing. So, if your dog suddenly starts trembling or shivering, it's important to take note of other symptoms such as diarrhea , vomiting , or limping. Thank you for reading our blog and commenting, Diana. panting alot. Our 14 year old yellow lab/chow mix has arthritis and has recently started with a lot of panting, restlessness and just plain not settling down even when told to lay down. We do know that senior dogs do sleep more, too. We really hope it is something very minor and that Ben begins to breath more normally. he wakes from his sleep and comes to me panting . He's on two pain meds, which control his pain pretty well. I don’t believe him. Licking can be for many reasons, for instance, pain, an allergic skin disease caused by food allergies, which dogs, like humans, can develop as we age. We are sending you and your senior German Shepherd many prayers. His head seems to be permanently tilted. They often consult with their Vet who can offer advice and assistance, but ultimately they will let you make the final decision. Then you can tell if he s licking his lips because he s anxious or because he wants a treat! Any help much appreciated. Another suggestions is, if possible, keep extra light on at the top of the stairs. He’s on natural herbs and now also treatables, HELLO SUSAN. We do strongly suggest you consult your Vet to be sure that Ben does not have anything serious going on. However, rarely have I seen an arthritis patient it did not help, and in my own senior dogs, I get clear reminders if I forget one of their maintenance injections (every three to six weeks, depending on the dog). I have a 15 year old German Shepherd who pants and paces around when up.She is on meds for incontinence and has been pooping in the house. She is very restless especially at night. Thank you for visiting our blog and for your question. Thanks for your comment, Chloe. We advise you to take your pet to your veterinarian, as there are some very good medications that can ease your dog’s pain. This condition, which is most common in older, large dogs, is an emergency of the highest order, and it can cause death in hours if not treated appropriately. My 15 year old Litl Fox Terrier was doing fine until we took her to the beach to get out and ever since then she has been panting mostly at nights and after a short while she stops and her heart beats faster than usual?? I love old dogs. Hi, we have a 17 (18 in January) miniature poodle. Arthritis is really, really common with so many of our older dogs suffer from this debilitating disease. We also hope your Vet is able to diagnose the problem quickly and is able to provide whatever is needed to help her be comfortable and without pain. The good news too, is that it seems there are no “side effects” caused by the collar and from our research, it appears to be a great next step to include in your Lab’s treatment. It seemed as if her back legs weren’t working she would try walk to mW and just sit straight down, being very sooky and panting a lot. Please let us know how she is doing. Dogs with smaller nasal passages and short windpipes like pugs or bulldogs tend to pant harder than other types of dogs. Our blog often for new posts was causing the gagging moving and potty! Angela, we are sorry about your pug is having this issue s regular demeanor spells are normal setting... Further diagnostic testing and/or prescribe pain medication, arthritis and anti-anxiety medication your visiting our blog and! 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