Fiber adds bulk to the stool and helps food move through the bowels and keeps your bowel movements regular. Oranges, raw, all commercial varieties - Vitamin C, Oranges, raw, California, valencias - Vitamin C. Voedingswaarde van Orange juice. Orange Juice, Raw with a serving size of 100 grams has a total of 45 calories with 0.2 grams of fat. Oranges are excellent sources of Vitamin C and a good source of β-Carotene, which is converted to Vitamin A which is believed to help in maintaining good vision and skin health. Available in orange flavor. Add 10 drops of 1% starch solution. Vitamin C intake by mothers may influence the amount of vitamin C in breast milk; Vitamin C’s antioxidant activity helps to mitigate inflammation, which is associated with many chronic diseases. Oranges overall contain more vitamins, being richer in vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamins B1, B2, B3 and B6. There are many varieties of orange available, including … Vitamin C. Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine. Based on a natural silicate or silica combined with titanium dioxide and/or iron oxide, these pigments fulfill international safety standards for food … (746% DV) Nutrition Facts for Guavas. (To be precise, 100 grams of oranges contain 53 milligrams of vitamin C.) However, neither kiwis nor oranges can beat vitamin C loaded superfoods like sea-buckthorn berries, kakadu plums, cam… Improves digestion: Amla is very high in fibre. Thing is, a medium-size orange only has 69.7 mg of vitamin C, which is actually less than that of many other common fruits and veggies. It contains 135 mg. of vitamin C. If we take into account the recommended daily amount of this vitamin, we discover that a single glass of orange juice gives us something over 100%. This food is high in sugars. /* 468x15, created 10/14/10 */ National Institutes of Health. I cant find out the amount of Vitamin C in 500 grams because the data is given in terms of Milligrams per 100 grams and they are asking data in only grams. Your body needs vitamin C to make L-carnitine, which helps you burn fat for energy. The percentage of the recommended daily value for this serving is 201 %. Fiber fiber for adults is: Healthy women need 21-25 grams of fiber per day. Thanks for looking, if you have any questions please send us a message through ebay. Customer satisfaction is our top priority. Yellow and red fruits are usually credited with having high vitamin content, but guava is a fruit that stands tall as an exception. This item is classified as fruits and fruit juices foods. Record the … That’s almost double! Oranges: Add some tang to your diet with this nutrient-dense, low-calorie fruit. In a navel orange containing 82 mg of vitamin C, this amount is almost sufficient for the daily needs of adults, because they require 90 mg per day.