Soft and oily foods, such as pasta, cooked cere-als and soups should be favored over dry and crunchy foods. Vata is also pacified by sweet, salty and sour tasted and aggravated by pungent, bitter and astringent tastes. One nutrition rule applies above all others for Vata types: “Eat hot meals at regular times.” Such a rhythm will be very good for your digestion. Follow these guidelines to keep Vata nurtured: Vata-Balancing Diet. If you need to balance Vata, a fat-free diet is not for you. Avoid the bitter, astringent and pungent (spicy-hot) tastes in the diet. Banyan Botanicals. In general, pacify Vata dosha with foods that are cooked, spiced, warm and balanced with healthy fats. Balance the dry quality of Vata with “heavy” foods like oils and ghee. Salty food does not imply food that is cured. Therefore, vata pacifying foods and a diet of fresh cooked meals or food that are soft & mushy are recommended by our Indian Ayurveda practices to keep the vata balanced. Ghee, sesame oil, and almond oil are some of the healthy options you could go for. Take care not to consume refined sugar or sugary sweet foods. These tend to produce gas, bloating and cramping, especially in Vata types. Because Vata dosha is cold and dry, it's balanced by warm, nourishing foods like soups, stews, slow-cooked casseroles. In Ayurveda, food is medicine. Whole-fat, organic dairy is good for Vata, unless lactose intolerant. Vata is balanced by a diet of freshly cooked, whole foods that are soft or mushy in texture, rich in protein and fat, seasoned with a variety of warming spices, and served warm or hot. Vata-Pacifying Diet. Being cooling, rough, drying and light, the bitter taste will further aggravate this dosha in you. Facebook 0 Tweet 0 Pin 0 Print 0 Email 0. Consisting of the elements air and ether, it is the principle force of motion in the body and mind. This taste feels behind a rough, dry feeling in the mouth – imagine sipping a strong black coffee. Three words encapsulate the Vata calming diet – warming, soupy and nourishing. Tastes that Balance Vata – Sweet, Sour, Salty. 12 juil. Moist foods like berries, melons, summer squash, zucchini and yogurt will counter Vata’s dryness. Rice and wheat are very good. Qualities- Dry; Light; Cool; Subtle; Rough; Mobile; Clear; Season- Later Fall, Early Winter. Before beginning to explain about how to reduce or pacify the Vata dosha, you may want to read about Tridoshas, and Tridoshic Recipes if you have not already. With all that said the most important principles to follow when having a Vata-pacifying diet is that you should favour warm, cooked, soft and unctuous foods. Eat organic, whole, healthy foods that have a naturally sweet, sour and salty taste. Please contact me any time that questions may arise! Soft and oily foods, such as pasta, cooked cere- als and soups should be favored over dry and crunchy foods. Follow Vata pacifying diet if you are predominantly a Vata type or if you have Vata imbalances such as anxiety, nervousness, dry skin, cramps, insomnia, pain, bloating, constipation, irregular menstrual cycle etc. So, let check out the choices that you could certainly include in the Vata dosha diet. Extend the use of your teabag by refilling your cup a few times throughout the day. Don't drink milk after taking full meal. Oily and moist foods are beneficial for Vata pacification. You should steer clear of canned foods, ready-made meals, and pastries which can be too heavy for them to process. Cooked foods, served hot or warm, are ideal for nourishing you. Sour fruits like green grapes, oranges, pineapple and grapefruit are also suitable for this dosha if they are eaten by themselves or in small quantities. Vata is also pacified by sweet, salty and sour tasted and aggravated by pungent, bitter and astringent tastes. Vata pacifying foods include the tastes: Sweet, Sour and Salty. When choosing balancing foods, it helps to keep the Vata traits in mind. Vata-Pacifying Diet. Eat larger quantities of food, but not overeating. Vata Pacifying Program. Ayurvedic Diet for Pacifying Vata. What is vata dosha? While the heaviness is a great way to counterbalance Vata’s lightness, avoid deep-fried foods that can tax your delicate digestion. A vata balancing diet will include more warm, cooked, unctuous foods and less cold, raw, dry foods. This is the principal taste in most Vata-balancing foods. Morning Vata Routine. You might ease up on spices which are warming, you might use less oil in your cooking, but you wouldn't totally abandon your Vata diet for a Pitta one. Avoid cold drinks and frozen desserts such as: ice cream, popsicles, frozen yogurt, etc. Vata-Pitta types should utilize the diet tips for both Doshas. Through proper diet and lifestyle habits, one can learn how to remove these common Vata disorders and promote balance in the body and mind. Aug 23, 2018 - Explore LowcarbRachel's board "Vata Pacifying Diet" on Pinterest. According to Ayurveda, sweet, sour, and salty tastes have a pacifying effect on vata and should be included in any vata balancing diet. SAVE RECIPE . It simply means the savory taste and preparations that contain some salt. It is a cold, light dosha and should be treated with warm food rather than raw. Ayurveda also classifies foods according to the six tastes: sweet, sour, salty, pungent, astringent and bitter. After some time, you can relish a cup of herbal or green tea. Vata-Pacifying Diet. A Vata-pacifying diet will mean eating less of the bitter, pungent and astringent tastes. Avoid light, dry and rough foods such as salads, dry cereals, dried fruit, crackers, rice cakes, chips, pretzels and dry granola. Click here to see our full apothecary menu. Consuming raw food will only serve to exacerbate any the mobile qualities of Vata. However, some contradictions may occur. A vatapacifying diet favors warm, cooked foods and hot beverages. Vata Diet and Lifestyle. August 28, 2017 April 7, 2010 by Dr. Marc Halpern. Read my related post on a Vata Pacifying Diet to gain more insight on how to control symptoms of high Vata such as nervous system agitation, restless mind, insomnia, dry skin, gas and constipation. A vata pacifying diet is best during the early Fall which will prevent vata from becoming aggravated in the Winter. Always boil milk before drink it. May 5, 2015 - Feeling anxious, nervous, spacey or dry? If you’ve been told you should focus on balancing vata (by our Ayurvedic Profile™ quiz or by a practitioner) one of the best things you can do is incorporate vata-pacifying foods into your diet. Please keep in mind that we all possess all 5 elements in our bodies and therefore possess all 3 doshas as well. Posted in Vata Dosha / Тег: ayurvedic diet / February 21, 2018 February 21, 2018 ~ Denis. A Vata-Pacifying Diet. Kitchari can even be the centerpiece of a mono-diet or fast, as it is a simple food that supplements the healing process. Your email address will not be published. You can add some flavor to your meals with a squeeze of lemon or lime, a spot of vinegar, pickled sides, a cup of miso, a slice of cheese or a sour cream dip. Foods for vata dosha lean towards lightness and need more nurturing foods rich with a sweet taste, oil, and salt. Avoid cold drinks and frozen desserts such as: ice cream, popsicles, frozen yogurt, etc. Learn how to balance Vata with the Vata Balancing Diet. After some time, you can relish a cup of herbal or green tea. The Vata diet should consist of food that is warm, moist, smooth and taken at regular intervals. Rice and wheat are very good. How to Balance Vata Dosha: Vata is cold and dry and so a vata pacifying diet of foods that can neutralize this is suggested. Eat on a consistent schedule. The astringent taste is found in legumes (such as beans and lentils), fruits (including cranberries, pomegranates, pears, and dried fruit), vegetables (such as, broccoli, cauliflower, artichoke, asparagus and turnip), grains (such as rye, buckwheat and quinoa), spices and herbs (including turmeric and marjoram), coffee and tea. All Rights Reserved. In order to add on to the taste, you can a little bit of sugar or maple syrup.   Grains: Rice, wheat, quinoa, oats, amaranth (all cooked until tender), Vegetables: Asparagus, tender greens, carrots, peas, green beans, white daikon, zucchini, parsnips, sweet potatoes (all cooked), Fruits: Avocado, pineapple, papaya, peaches, plums, grapes, mangoes, oranges, cherries, all kinds of berries, limes and lemons, apples if stewed, coconut, fresh figs, raisins (soaked), Lentils: Mung beans, urad dal, masoor dal, toor dal, red lentils (all cooked till soft), Dairy: Whole milk, cream, butter, fresh yogurt (cooked into foods), lassi, cottage cheese, paneer, Oils: Ghee, olive oil, sesame oil, cold-pressed nut oils such as walnut, Herbs: Fresh ginger root, cilantro, curry leaves, parsley, basil, fennel, mint, Nuts and Seeds: Almonds (soaked and blanched), cashews, walnuts (soaked), pistachios, hazelnuts, pecans (soaked), pine nuts, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, Spices: Ajwain, dried ginger, asafetida (hing) in small quantities, fenugreek, turmeric, cumin, clove, cardamom, coriander, fennel, black pepper, basil, Chinese cinnamon, nutmeg, mustard seed, mint, rosemary, thyme, lemon and orange zest, oregano, rock salt or sea salt, black salt, dried mango powder, pomegranate seeds or powder, Other: Rice milk, soy milk, poppy seeds, turbinado sugar, raw honey, and tofu in moderation (cooked with spices), __________________________________________________________________________, References: Food Choices courtesy of Try our Vata-Balancing Kit! And avoid eating on the go and take time to sit down to eat. The Cabbage Soup diet was famous in the faxlore of the 1980s. The tastes that balance Vata are sweet, sour and salty. Raw produce is called roughage with good reason; and Vatas will do good to remember that. Best: almonds, cashews, tender coconuts, pine nuts, and sunflower seeds. Jamun is also considered a good fruit for pacifying Vata dosha, particularly the fruits of the small jamun fruit.10Jamun is also known as black plum, jambolan or Java plum.The botanical name of jamun is Syzygium cumini. Use warming spices to cook like the ones mentioned below to aid digestion. Comment: A strictly Vata pacifying diet is rarely used. Usually, these foods are sweet to taste like cooked grains, spiced milk, root vegetables, stewed fruits, nuts and seeds. And I would like to mentioned my sincere thanks to you……..Thank You so much……, Thank you so much for taking the time to write in with your kind words! Eat organic, whole, healthy foods that have a naturally sweet, sour and salty taste. Here is the Ayurvedic version. Ayurveda also classifies foods according to the six tastes: sweet, sour, salty, pungent, astringent and bitter. Click now to learn which foods to eat & which to avoid! Ayurvedic Diet for Pacifying Vata. Avoid all beans varieties, except for the ones mentioned above. Vata. Time of Life- 60+, Menopause and beyond. Kapha-Vata Pacifying Food Qualities. Vata should continue to follow a Vata pacifying diet in the summer, with some adjustments for the season. Hearty soups, hot cereals, rice pudding and wholesome beverages such as nut milks or warm milk are excellent “comfort” foods for you. Before reading the diet tips for Vata, please rate this site! Favor sweet, sour, or heavy fruits, such as oranges, bananas, avocados, grapes, cherries. With all that said the most important principles to follow when having a Vata-pacifying diet is that you should favour warm, cooked, soft and unctuous foods. Furthermore, the following foods are especially beneficial for Vata types: Fruit. Since Vata dosha is cool, light, and dry, foods that are warm, heavy, and moist are best. *, © 2013-2021 Svastha Ayurveda. Tags: abhyanga anxiety cold feet cold hands constipation cooked food energy enthusiasm gas hurry insomnia Maharishi Ayurveda Products International (MAPI) marma points raw food sesame oil sun salutation tension triphala vata balance vata churna vata digestion vata dosha vata imbalance vata pacifying diet vata reducing diet worry yoga asana Avoid exceptionally dry, rough, and cold vegetables, including most raw vegetables. Here is a Vata-specific eating chart: A small snack between meals is recommended, however, do NOT graze! Thank you for writing in. Vata Pacifying Diet A vata pacifying diet favors warm, cooked foods and hot beverages. Fewer intakes of barley, corn, millet, rye and oats. They should stay away from cold and junk food as it tends to make them fall sick easily. Avoid leftovers, especially when over one day old. It is only for debilitated patients or conditions where gaining weight is critically needed. These spices are also often found in Vata-pacifying teas—the Chopra Center Relaxing Tea is a good one to keep Vata in balance. I am so happy to hear these changes are helping you find balance in your life. The three Ayurvedic tastes that help balance Vata are sweet, sour and salty. Diet for Vata Kapha Dosha. Think baked sweet potato with butter or avocado with an olive oil and lime dressing. Here is the Ayurvedic version. Even cooked, foods like broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, dark leafy greens, and many beans are exceptionally rough and may be best minimized while you are working on pacifying vata. #Rules 2 –While you are preparing a meal, then you should use oil more than the usual quantity. Nuts and seeds for Vata. Read my related post on a Vata Pacifying Diet to gain more insight on how to control symptoms of high Vata such as nervous system agitation, restless mind, insomnia, dry skin, gas and constipation. The tastes that balance Vata are sweet, sour and salty. When vata dosha is healthy, the movements of the body are graceful, unimpeded, and yet controlled. Everyone deserves access to safe, natural products and through Allayurveda, we’ve made that dream a reality. How to Balance Vata Dosha: Vata is cold and dry and so a vata pacifying diet of foods that can neutralize this is suggested. The Vata body type is typically a much smaller frame. Nuts and seeds can serve as great Vata Pitta snacks, if the digestion is generally strong enough. A Vata-Pacifying Diet. Vata Pacifying Diet Rules #Rules 1 – Whenever you need to follow a Vata diet, you should always think about something sweet, sour and salty. If vata is aggravated in the winter, a vata-pacifying food program may prevent overflow or minimize symptoms. As you wake up in the morning, you should always drink a glass of lukewarm water. But many foods that do not appear oily can still pacify Vata. Read more on how to improve digestion. Raw vegetables should be avoided, except in small amounts. Soups are encouraged as well as having cooked grains, cereals, and vegetables. Vata Pitta Diet: Principles, Food List and Meal Plan. Avoid cold drinks, cold food, and frozen desserts, such as: ice cream, popsicles, frozen yogurt, etc. Root vegetables are especially beneficial because they grow underground, and are therefore supremely grounding and stabilizing for vata. If you are of this composition, you should avoid drying foods like popcorn, crackers, white potatoes, beans, and dried fruits. Think baked sweet potato with butter or avocado with an olive oil and lime dressing. There is a proper yet easy vata pacifying daily routine, one can follow starting from early mornings. So, whether it’s knowledge or products that you seek, we hope that you’ll find what you’re looking for, right here. The word vata means to blow or move like the wind. You can try our BUTTERNUT SQUASH SOUP WITH FENNEL, GINGER … Ayurvedic medicine considers your diet to be the best way to keep your body type in balance and fight disease and aging. Please feel free to contact me anytime if you have any questions. In fact, you will benefit by resisting cooked foods that have a rough texture like broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, leafy greens and certain types of beans. If you wish to go for an Ayurvedic detox, simply follow a mono-diet or stick to consuming fruits. A Vata diet should make use of oil, butter, and ghee liberally. Autumn is a season of deficiency and change. Vata pacifying foods include the tastes: Sweet, Sour and Salty. Eat warm, hearty, well-cooked meals such as soups, casseroles, stews, oatmeal and porridge. While Ayurveda does not encourage a cabbage soup mono-diet, cabbage soup can be a healthy addition to a well-rounded diet. Your diet should therefore include foods that possess qualities to counter your dominant doshas’ influence. Vata Diet and Lifestyle. Therefore, vata pacifying foods and a diet of fresh cooked meals or food that are soft & mushy are recommended by our Indian Ayurveda practices to keep the vata balanced. This can be later followed with the consumption of 8 almonds and 10 raisins. Try our Vata-Balancing Kit! Smooth foods like bananas, rice pudding, hot cereal, hot spiced milk and purթed soups are apt to calm Vata’s roughness. This is the principal taste in most Vata-balancing foods. * WEEKLY SALE - 20% OFF Agni Elixir until Jan 11th* * FREE SHIPPING on all domestic, retail orders of $35 or more! Vata dosha is composed of the air and space elements, and it governs all movement in the body . The following are the specific food qualities of Vata dosha meals. Contact Us: 18001021855 | Free Shipping above ₹999, by Allayurveda Published on November 9, 2016 In HealthLeave a Comment. Jamun should not be confused with blackberries.Jamun fruit can be eaten as is. Have lunch by latest 12.30 pm so that it gets digested properly and nutrients are distributed evenly to the entire body. [Total: 4467 Average: 4.1 /5] The Best Diet for Vata Types. Learn what the qualities of vata are, according to ayurveda, and how to balance them for increased mental altertness, contentment, and overall well-being. The sour taste is meant to complement and bring out other flavors but it is never the centerpiece of a meal itself. Vata is most agitated in the fall and early winter months, making these food guidelines most vital during this time of year. Theres a reason that raw fruits and vegetables are sometimes called roughage; their fiber content gives them a very rough quality. Don't drink milk after taking full meal. |. All sweeteners are good for Vata doshas. Vata is balanced by foods that have a sweet, sour and salty rasa (taste). I am so happy to hear you enjoy the site. How to Balance Vata with Diet. Foods with a cooling essence, like cold and frozen foods or carbonated drinks, raw foods and even leftovers that have been refrigerated can aggravate Vata, even if they are served warm. In Ayurveda, diet is a vital tool for fighting disease, preventing disease and finding balance in your daily life. In moderation, all nuts and most seeds are pacifying to Vata. According to Ayurveda, sweet, sour, and salty tastes have a pacifying effect on vata and should be included in any vata balancing diet. Avoid cold or frozen foods and beverages. The Cabbage Soup diet was famous in the faxlore of the 1980s. A mid-day vata pacifying daily routine is very important to follow in a bid to keep the balance on. Svastha Ayurveda’s products and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Well-cooked, pre-soaked legumes such as red lentils, mung beans and mung dal are the only beans that should be typically consumed by Vata types. Vata-Pacifying Diet. You should consume foods that are naturally sweet like fruits, most grains, root vegetables, milk, ghee, yogurt, eggs, nuts, seeds, most oils, and Vata-pacifying meats like chicken, duck and beef. Like you, we love all things natural. Learn about how your body composition can affect your personalized healthcare. Kitchari is Ayurveda's perfect food, indicated in times of recovery as well as plain old digestive discomfort. Also, since Vata-types tend to have irregular digestion, foods that are cooked and easy to digest are wise choices. Learn about how your body composition can affect your personalized healthcare. FALL DIET. However, you should refrain from eating millets, raw oats, buckwheat, rye and corn. If vata is aggravated in the winter, a vata-pacifying food program may prevent overflow or minimize symptoms. While Ayurveda does not encourage a cabbage soup mono-diet, cabbage soup can be a healthy addition to a well-rounded diet. The following vegetables are acceptable in moderate quantities if they are cooked, especially with ghee or oil and Vata-reducing spices: peas, green leafy vegetables, broccoli, cauliflower, celery, zucchini and potatoes. The basic rule is that the somewhat more pronounced Dosha should take precedence. GET THE FALL DIET. According to Ayurveda, sour tastes have a pacifying effect on both kapha and vata doshas and should be included in any kapha-vata balancing diet. See more ideas about vata dosha, ayurveda vata, ayurvedic recipes. Vata is cool, dry, rough and light, so your dietary choices should be such that this dosha is better supported. Vata Dosha Pacifying Diet. It is cold, dry, rough and mobile by nature, and therefore any excess of this dosha will bring on similar qualities to the individual, eventually causing imbalance, disorder and disease. Here are some useful tips for keeping Vata dosha balanced: Eat a Vata diet. Sweet, heavy, well-cooked vegetables such as beets, carrots, okra, zucchini, squash (summer and winter), sweet potatoes, asparagus, cucumber, and sweet peas are the best Vata veggie options. All sweeteners are good for Vata doshas. Thank you for these suggestions…they seem like the perfect solution for me. Vata is balanced by a diet of freshly cooked, whole foods that are soft or mushy in texture, rich in protein and fat, seasoned with a variety of warming spices, and served warm or hot. One nutrition rule applies above all others for Vata types: “Eat hot meals at regular times.” Such a rhythm will be very good for your digestion. The major needs for Vata types are grounding foods and regularity. Vata dosha is composed of the air and space elements, and it governs all movement in the body . A Vata diet with foods for Vata dosha can help those with a Vata dosha imbalance in their body and those with a Vata prakriti (bodily constitution dominated by Vata dosha). Nuts are Vata pacifying and a good snack option in moderation. The basic rule is that the somewhat more pronounced Dosha should take precedence. Eat warm, hearty, well-cooked meals such as soups, casseroles, stews, oatmeal and porridge. Olive oil cannot be heated to high temperatures without destroying its healing value, so drizzle olive oil over fresh soft flatbreads, cooked grains, or warm vegetable dishes. Foods that are solid, deeply nurturing and ground Vata’s light energies with stabilizing sources of nourishment are preferable. This can be later followed with the consumption of 8 almonds and 10 raisins. Foods for vata dosha lean towards lightness and need more nurturing foods rich with a sweet taste, oil, and salt. Vata dosha is composed of ether and air, and has no fire. This quiz is a good place to start to discover which dosha is most predominant in your constitution (Prakruti). I will be happy to help:), Your email address will not be published. Soups are encouraged as well as having cooked grains, cereals, and vegetables. Additionally, the more active Dosha in the respective season should be pacified: Pitta is more present from June to September and Vata from October to January. This taste is mainly a derivative of salt itself. Elements- Ether & Air. You should consume foods that are naturally sweet like fruits, most grains, root vegetables, milk, ghee, yogurt, eggs, nuts, seeds, most oils, and Vata-pacifying meats like chicken, duck and beef. Take care not to … Avoid caffeine, as Vata types have an extremely sensitive Nervous System. Foods that have grounding properties that counter the Vata properties of lightness are also good for Vata. A vata pacifying diet is best during the early Fall which will prevent vata from becoming aggravated in the Winter. The rough quality of these foods will only challenge fickle digestive capacity of this dosha. Vata should favor the sweet, salty and sour tastes in the diet. Best: Small amounts of Almonds, Brazil Nuts, Cashews, Hazelnuts, Macadamia Nuts, Peanuts, Pecans, Pine Nuts, Pistachios, Pumpkin Seeds, Sesame Seeds, Sunflower Seeds, Walnuts; Meat for Vata. Tips and diet for balancing vata. [Total: 4467 Average: 4.1 /5] The Best Diet for Vata Types. The best spices for Vata are: Sweet, heavy, well-ripened fruits are very good for Vata including bananas, soaked raisins, dates, avocados, coconut, figs, peaches, pears, mangos, apricots, papaya, watermelon and plums. The best Vata options are sesame oil, almond oil and ghee. Eat a minimum of oil and fat. Here, we’ll list the best Vata pacifying foods. MUNG DAL KITCHARI (VATA REDUCING) (4.69 out of 5 stars) 16 reviews, 2696 likes. A milder Vata diet can be used by many where there is colder, drier climate and when the season is fall or winter. Vata should favor the sweet, salty and sour tastes in the diet. Ayurveda gives us 3 doshas - vata, pitta, and kapha - that make up our constitutions. Vata-Pitta types should utilize the diet tips for both Doshas. Avoid leftovers, canned, bottled, or pack-aged foods, frozen foods, processed foods, rich, creamy foods, sweets, salty foods and alcohol. As a kapha-vata type individual, you are more vulnerable to imbalances of both kapha and vata aggravation. Mar 25, 2014 - Feeling anxious, nervous, spacey or dry? Oily foods will offset this dosha so favor foods like avocado, coconut, olives, buttermilk, cheese, eggs, whole milk (preferably non-homogenized), wheat, nuts and seeds. At the same time foods with sweet or salty taste can aggravate kapha, while astringent and bitter tastes can aggravate vata. Click here for a kitcheri recipe designed for Vatas. This is also the reason why it throws Vata off. Banyan Botanicals. The Vata-Pacifying Diet. Use an abundance of healthy oils in each meal. It is imperative to make a set time for lunch so that the body gets used to it. Milk should be warmed and spiced while ice cream should be typically avoided. Diet for Vata Kapha Dosha. A Vata-pacifying diet will go a long way toward providing the warmth, grounding, and nourishment that Vata needs to stay balanced. By including all six tastes in each meal we satisfy our nutritional and dietary needs without the need to count calories or consult a manual. As you wake up in the morning, you should always drink a glass of lukewarm water. Tastes that Increase Vata- Bitter, Pungent, Astringent. A vata balancing diet will include more warm, cooked, unctuous foods and less cold, raw, dry foods. Raw vegetables should be avoided, except in small amounts. This is the taste that comes in the form of bitter greens (like kale, dandelion greens, collard greens, etc.) Vata is balanced by foods that have a sweet, sour and salty rasa (taste). Our journey was born out of a deep desire to make natural health solutions accessible to all. This type is very cold and dry, so try these foods and meals to balance yourself out. An empty stomach can cause Vata to go into a state of imbalance. All information on this website is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Vata Dosha is the biological energy manifested of the air and space element. #Rules 3 –Never forget to season the meals with spices. Vata types respond best to cooked apples, which are easier to digest. - Kimberly Kubicke, Asbury park, NJ, 08-08-16 . Required fields are marked *. It is also important that you don’t overeat because taking in too much food in one sitting can be too heavy. When out of balance, the movements become erratic, … Continue Reading to see our Vata Dietary Chart. Avoid raw foods especially raw vegetables. Vatas should focus on eating more of the Sweet taste, ie: dairy, nuts and seeds, root vegetables, meat, fish and shellfish, whole grains, and squash are good choices for you. or foods like bitter melon, Jerusalem artichokes, burdock root, eggplant and chocolate. Fruit. Kapha Pacifying Diet A kapha pacifying diet favors warm foods and hot beverages. Vata is most agitated in the fall and early winter months, making these food guidelines most vital during this time of year. Vata needs foods packed with nutrients and staying power, but that are easy to digest. Vata-Pacifying Diet. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Similarly, Vata-dominant people should stay away from caffeine, nicotine and alcohol as they are detrimental to your need to remain grounded and stable. Following the ayurveda daily routine, it is very important for a vata person to concentrate on their ayurvedic diet, which should mainly include dry and raw foods. Avoid caffeine, as too much of it can be used by many where there is,... Of it can be drying and actually disturb Vata comment: a snack... From early mornings & which to avoid “ heavy ” foods like soups, casseroles stews... Any disease food LIST and meal Plan click now to learn which foods to eat Average... 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